| 48 | - Convoy Crisis

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A single gunshot wound to the head had killed Rebecca. You looked back in shock.

Russell: Oh god...

Bobby: Get down, Chancellor!

Bobby pulled your head down as bullets continued hitting the cars.



Oasis soldiers began leaving their cars to fight the ambushing Saviors.

You didn't know, but the Saviors had gotten out of the walker trap surrounding the Sanctuary. They were now going to attack Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom. A group of Saviors were on their way to the Oasis before stumbling upon the convoy.

Vince: The baby has about seven minutes...

Clementine didn't know what Vince was talking about.

Clementine: What?!

Vince: Rebecca...the baby...a fetus can survive in the womb of a deceased mother for about seven minutes. We have to act fast.

You: What the fuck are you proposing?

Vince: I'm a doctor. I can perform an emergency c-section.



Gunfire still sounded from outside the van.

You remember the supplies you have in the van. Some included medical supplies and blankets for the baby once it's out. You hope it is enough for Vince to work with.

You: Do what you have to do.

You then look at Bobby.

You: Get them out of here. As far away as you can.

Bobby: Yes, sir.

You grab your rifle, and start to exit the van. Clementine calls out.

Clementine: Y/N! What are you doing?!

You: I'm not leaving my people.

You bang on the hood of the van, signaling Bobby to start driving off. You look at Clementine once more.

You: I love you.

Bobby makes a U-Turn, and begins driving off. Clementine continues to look at you as the van distances itself from the area.



You turn around, and see your remaining soldiers fighting off the Saviors. You get behind one of the trucks and take cover. You peek out, and see a Savior running towards a tree.


You kill him, then continue to move behind the cars. You see the bodies of your soldiers near the vehicles, which angers you. They didn't have to die.

You see two soldiers pinned down behind another truck, and you get into cover beside them.

Soldier 1: Chancellor! Most of the unit are dead, I think it's just us two.

You: No. It us three.

The two soldiers nod.

You: What are your names?

The first soldier speaks.

Ryan: Ryan.

The second soldier follows suit.

John: John.

You: Ryan. John. Let's give these assholes hell.

You peek out of cover, and begin shooting at the Saviors in the shrubs. Ryan and John follow suit.




Saviors began advancing towards the vehicles. You went alongside the truck the three of you used as cover and tried to get an angle on them.


You shot a Savior in the leg, but he returned fire as he went down. Another Savior nearby pulled the pin of a grenade, and tossed it towards you. It rolled nearby, and John took notice.

John: Chancellor!

John pushed you onto the grass, and the grenade detonated, blowing John a few yards back.


Ryan: John!

John laid on the road. The blast had killed him.

You were in a daze on the ground, trying to look for your rifle. Ryan went out of cover, shooting at the remaining Saviors as he ran towards you.


Ryan grabbed you, and started dragging you towards the truck.


A bullet hit his thigh, and he dropped down onto one knee. He still kept pulling you, until you made it into cover with him.

You: Ryan...

Ryan: I'm fine. Flank them, I'll keep them busy on this side.

You nodded, and started making your way alongside the side of the parked vehicles. You flanked the last three Saviors as they were firing at Ryan's cover.


You killed one of them with your handgun. Suddenly, the second Savior turned back and shot his crossbow at you.


An arrow hit the side of your abdomen, and you fell to the floor.

You: Argh!

Ryan came out of cover as the two Saviors looked at you, and shot at one of them.


The final Savior turned around and shot Ryan.


Ryan fell onto his stomach.

The Savior chuckled, and started walking over to you.

Savior 3: The Kid...you're the ultimate prize. Negan's going to be happy to see you.


Suddenly, the Savior was shot in his side, causing him to fall onto one knee. Ryan used his remaining strength and life to shoot him.

You quickly took out the arrow from your abdomen, ignoring the pain, and stuck it into the Savior's neck.


The Savior gargled as blood poured onto your face. You pulled it out, and let him drop on the floor near you. You took a couple breaths, each one causing your wound to sting.

You tried to get up, blood coming out of your side. It hurt like hell. You made your way to a truck, and open the backseat to get a cloth from a box. You rip it apart, and tie it around your abdomen to stop the bleeding.

You begin to dose off, exhaustion and blood loss being a factor, and enter the backseat. There, you close your eyes, and black out.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now