| 58 | - Together

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You were at your house in the culdesac.

AJ laid in a crib which was in your room. You sat at the edge of your bed re-reading the letter Carl wrote to you. Clementine had read hers already the day before, and she was moved to tears.

Clementine came into the room, and noticed you reading the letter.

Clementine: Hey.

You look over as she walks through the doorway.

You: Hey.

She sits beside you on the bed as you fold the letter back up and place it in your pocket.

You: Remember the Randall situation back on the farm?

Clementine: Yeah. Feels like so long ago, though.

You: Dale didn't want to kill him. I first I thought we had to, but after what he told us...about humanity...I understood what he meant.

Clementine: That keeping our humanity is a choice.

You look at her.

You: You remember?

Clementine holds your hand.

Clementine: Of course I do. Dale meant as much to me as he did to you. He was basically the glue that kept the group together.

You look down at your hand which is entwined with hers.

You: I could've killed Negan. A part of me wanted to, but...

Clementine continues to listen.

You: ...I just couldn't get myself to.

You did slit his throat, but you did it in a way that wasn't as fatal. You did tell Rick to spare him, and you did tell Siddiq to save him. There were many opportunities where you could have let Negan die.

Clementine: Was it because of Carl? What he wanted?

You nod, but it was also because of one other thing.

You: That, and because...I guess I still saw him as my uncle. The man I grew up idolizing, the man who was there for my mom, my sister, and for me.

You sighed, then got up from the bed and walked over to the window. You looked outside and saw the trees in your backyard.

Clementine still sat where she was as you began to speak again.

You: Rick told me about his plan. Negan's gonna be in cell for the foreseeable future....as we continue to build.

You told Negan before you slit his throat that you would've liked him to be there with you as time went on, so he technically would be alive as the communities grow, just not as a free man.

Clementine got up and hugged you from behind, taking you out from your thoughts. You slightly chuckle.

Clementine: What's so funny?

You turn away from the window and face her, still smiling.

You: Nothing. I just think about how I have you, and it makes me happy.

Clementine smiles back, and the both of you kiss. The two of you then hear AJ begin to fuss in the crib nearby, and you walk over to him.

You: What's the matter, little man? You miss daddy already?

You pick AJ up and begin to cradle him. Clementine crosses her arms and looks at you.

You: What?

Clementine: Not bad. Your dad skills are getting better.

You: Haha.

The near-week-old boy begins to calm down as you cradle him.

You look at AJ, and start thinking about how you'll raise him. You and Clementine will do everything possible to make sure he gets to live a great life.

You then think about how your biological father was never there, and how much of an asshole you stepfather was. You were going to be a great father to this baby.

Clementine: Want me to hold him?

You playfully back away from her.

You: You want to steal him away from me already? Shame.

Clementine scoffs.

Clementine: Fine, dork.

You chuckle.

You: He's falling asleep anyway. My work here is done.

After a few moments of cradling AJ, you place him back in the crib where he soundly sleeps.

Clementine walks up and the both of you look at AJ inside the crib.

Clementine: Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be a mom at eighteen. My time frame was between twenty six to twenty nine.

You snicker.

You: I never really thought of it. I thought I'd be alone forever.

Clementine: You're joking.

You: I was majoring in English. I felt like a square.

Clementine: Then I guess I'm into squares.

They two of you begin to laugh, but quickly quiet down upon the realization that AJ was sleeping.

Clementine: You asked me a few days ago if I'd be okay with having a kid of my own....

You shoot a look at Clementine.

Clementine: ....I'm not saying right now. But maybe in the future. Once we settle down and have everything under control.

You nod, and think of everything that's happened so far. The war against the Saviors may be over, but the war against the dead and other evil outside continues.

You: I get what you mean. Besides, the world can wait for a Y/N Jr.

Clementine chuckles, and begins to walk out of the room.

Clementine: We're not naming it Y/N. Now come on, I'm making spaghetti.

You begin to follow her out of the room.

You: What's wrong with Y/N?

A/N: Felt good to finally update this and conclude the All Out War arc!

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