| 2 | Consciences and Triggers

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Shane shut the car alarm off, and Amy started asking for her sister Andrea. Glenn told everybody that they were fine and shouldn't be far, aside from Merle.

You: Glad to see you're back in one piece.

You clasp hands with Glenn.

You: Did you bring me my large pepperoni, pizza man?

Glenn: For the fifth time, please shut up.

You both laugh.

Soon after, Morales, T-Dog, Jacqui, and Andrea arrive.

You: How's it going, brother?

You hug T-Dog, who seemed to be upset about something.

T-Dog: Merle man....

You were about to ask him what he meant, but then you heard Carl yelling.

Carl: DAD!

You see both Lori and Carl run up into the arms of a man wearing a sheriff's uniform.

Clementine went up beside you and T-Dog.

Clementine: Who's that?

T-Dog: The guy who got us outta there. His name is Rick.

The three of you look on as Rick hugs his family. He was actually alive after all.

Clementine: That is so sweet....

Clementine's smile slowly disappears, as she remembers how her parents are still in Savannah. She doesn't know if they're alive or not.

You notice her mood, and put an arm around her to comfort her. She's told you about her parents, and a part of you hopes they're alive and well.


Rick Grimes told the story of his experience waking up from his coma, and the sights he's seen of the fallen city of Atlanta.

You: Must've been a trip, huh?

Rick: Sure was.

Carl: Mom said you died.

Rick: She had every right to believe that, don't you ever doubt it.

Shane just sat there, silently.

Dale then changed the topic and asked about what they were going to tell Daryl, the brother of Merle. T-Dog explains that he dropped the key to the handcuffs that chained him to the roof. Rick responds by saying it was his fault by handcuffing him in the first place.

Clementine: You think he's still alive?

T-Dog: He's alive, and we just left him there. That doesn't sit right by me.

He then walks away.

Nearby, Ed feeds his campfire another log, which gets the attention of Shane.

Shane: Want to rethink that log, Ed?

Ed: It's cold.

You look at Ed, who's just sitting there not giving a care in the world. Beside him sits Carol, his wife, and his daughter, Sophia.

You never liked Ed. You knew about his abuse towards his wife, you didn't want to think of what he may have done to Sophia too.

It just gave you too many bad memories...

Shane then went over to talk with Ed, and the group at the campfire sat in awkward silence.

Clementine began to get up.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя