| 42 | - You're All Already Dead

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It's been less than a week since you've reunited with Rick and the others. They left for the Kingdom right after asking for your help, but King Ezekiel decided to decline helping as well. Because of this, you reluctantly told them you couldn't help either.

But after that day, you've been thinking. You went through several sleepless nights wondering if you made the right choice.

You remember the times back in the prison, where you thrived and lived a life of harmony. Where the people you considered family lived.

You wanted that again, with them.


Her lips felt like velvet.

The two of you kissed beneath the orange-yellow sky, as the sun was beginning to set.

It was a moment the two of you longed for, ever since you both met in Atlanta. The two of you parted, then faced one another.

Clementine: Wow....

You chuckled.

You: Yeah....

This was your first kiss with her. You decided to bring her outside the cell block onto the courtyard so you can be alone and tell her your feelings.

Clementine: So this is it? We're together?

You nod.

You: If you want to. I look around and see a place where we can live. I see families thriving within these walls without worrying like they used to. For once, I feel safe....we are safe.

You both held each other's hands.

You: People are able to build something here. We can build something here, finally. The two of us.

Clementine nods, with tears flowing down her eyes. For the first time in a while, she was happy, purely happy.

The both of you kissed once more. After a few seconds of your embrace, you look at the door to the cell block.

You see Rick and Carl, smiling.

You: Were they watching us this whole time?

Clementine: If I can put money on it, definitely.

You then heard somebody above yelling.

Daryl: Booyah! Drinks on me when I get back down.

You both look up at the guard tower, and see Daryl.

You: Well, shit. I forgot he was on watch.

Clementine laughs, and you laugh too soon after.

These were moments you were looking forward to for the years to come.


You didn't want to let them down. You wanted your community to live in the peace and harmony you once did. In order to do that, you had to take down the Saviors.

You told Lee your plan. He was more than willing to help in any way he can. You told Clementine and Louis too, who were going to be by your side no matter what.

You told the other advisors your plan. After some discussion, they ended up agreeing as well. You told them you were going to the Kingdom to convince King Ezekiel to help. Hilltop, Alexandria, Kingdom, and the Oasis would be a formidable threat vs the vast amount of Saviors.

You gathered some soldiers at the Jones Building, so you can brief them on your plan.

You: As you all know, the Saviors have been taking our resources for the last month. I thought at first that it was something we can live with....but no. Before, I was scared, fearful of the consequences.

You continued to look on and speak.

You: Now, I feel strong. I'm strong because all of you are strong. I'm confident in what we can accomplish together.

Clementine and Lee smiled at your words.

You: I once said that we're the greater good, and we are. We're the good that combats the evil outside the walls, evil such as the Saviors. We will be free from their oppression, and thrive as we should.

You lift your arm.

You: For the Oasis!

The crowd follows suit.

Crowd: For the Oasis!

You had rallied the people. It was time to meet up with King Ezekiel.


Negan was crouched down, facing Rick. He had tried to fight the Saviors himself, but after the betrayal of Jadis's Savangers, Alexandria couldn't handle them. Negan was  going to make sure they paid the price.

Negan: Well, Rick....you chose this. I truly don't know what else I could've done to warn you, and this isn't a warning. This is punishment.

Rick looks at him, rage filling his eyes.

Negan: I'm gonna kill Carl now. I'm gonna make it one nice, hard swing, try to do it in one because I like him. I just want you to put that in your brain and roll it around for a minute.

Negan continues.

Negan: I'm going to kill Carl, and then Lucille here will take your hands.

Rick then responds, not fearing Negan anymore.

Rick: Go ahead. You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands. I told you already, I'm gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....but nothing is gonna change that, nothing.

Rick then gets closer to Negan's face.

Rick: You're all already dead.

Negan tries to keep his composure, trying not to kill Rick right there and then. He simply chuckles.

Negan: Damn. Wow, Rick. Okay.

Negan gets up, and goes behind Carl. He raises Lucille.

Negan: You said I could do it.

Before Negan could bring down that bat, King Ezekiel's tiger, Shiva, pounces on a Savior, mauling him to death. Simon and the rest of the Saviors around him are taken back.

Around the corner, the troops run in.




Forces from the Hilltop, Kingdom, and Oasis run in and begin firing at Saviors. You and Clementine and following Ezekiel, shooting at the Saviors too. Lee and Louis are beside Carol. Ezekiel fires shots.



Ezekiel: End these Saviors and their accomplices!

Here fires more shots.



Ezekiel: Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!

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