Chapter 49:

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Stiles POV 

I looked to James who was laid on his back. I was sat next to him watching him as he breathed slowly. He looked peaceful. Allison did too, she wasn't too far away. Almost everyone just laid down in a state of depression now-a-days. Though how long we'd all been here for I wouldn't know. Whenever I looked to the real world it hurt my head too much and I couldn't see anything clearly. 

Sometimes I would look though, just so I could tell everyone about what was going on. Not that they could hear me. 

"Let's see what Tonys doing" I said to myself. 

Looking into the orange void I opened my eyes to see what was happening beyond. He was sat on a porch cuddling a little girl to his chest. 

"Good job, I'm saved" he said before an immense pain rang in my head. 

"Ahh" I cried out as the image slowly vanished. When the pain faded and I wiped the tears from my eyes I looked to Peter Parker. "I lasted longer this time Buddy"

He didn't respond and continued to recite something or other. It sounded like the periodic table. 

"Yay me" 


Tony POV 

Talking to Steve, Nat and Lang was tiring. We'd thought of every possible way to safely get them back and time travel wasn't one of the viable options. And then Morgan ran out the door. 

"Mommy told me to come save you" she told me a she cuddled into me. For a minute I thought I saw Stiles off to the side of the porch. It happened a lot, it did to everyone apparently. Seeing Stiles at random times. Maybe she was there but she never lasted. 

"Good job I'm saved" I told her with a smile. 

"Ahhhh" a voice faintly sounded. I sat up with Morgan still in my grasp. 

"Is anyone else here Tony?" Nat asked and I shook my head. There was nobody else around for miles. 

"Then who was that?" Lang asked and I shared a look with Steve. 

"Probably just the wind" I said with a decisive nod. "You guys are more than welcome to stay for dinner so long as you don't talk shop"

"Tony this is a chance to get everyone back" Steve said. "To get back what we lost" he said. It was like he was begging me to help him. But I couldn't risk it, not with Morgan. 

"I've got all I need right here" I said. "Sorry" I said before walking into the house. 

"What did they want?" Pepper asked me as I put Morgan down. "Is everything okay?" 

"I think I saw Stiles again" I said with a shrug stealing a piece of carrot. Pepper seemed concerned, she always did. Though everyone would be concerned if you saw a dead person on your porch. "It's like I heard her scream"

"Well you know what she was capable of" Pepper said. It was true, after werewolves and banshee and hell even vampires though I'd never met one myself, it wouldn't be a surprise if ghosts were a thing too. "Maybe she found a loophole"

"A loophole?" I asked and she nodded. "A loophole to death?" 

"Yeah I mean it wouldn't surprise me, that girl she was something else" Pepper said with a smile. "Let's face it she was the strongest Avenger" 

"Yeah she was" 


Stiles POV 

I was watching James again. He was breathing evenly but his eyes were open. Why can't he see me? Would they remember any of this if those still alive ever managed to find a way to reverse it. In the present the time stones don't exist. In the present. 

In the god damn past.

Looking around I sighed. I couldn't do anything about it. I looked to Allison, she'd figure something out. Then she'd find a way to figure out how to tell someone who could do something about it. 

Steve had talked to Tony about something. What if they found a way? 

I closed my eyes and focused before opening them. Looking around I saw the remaining Avengers and guardians crowded around a table. 

"Stiles didn't knkw you were alive" Thor said. Was he drink? He had dreadlocks. 

"Stiles" Steve said standing up. The view flickered to orange before settling again. "How are you here?" 

"The stones" I said before an immense pain in the head formed. "Past" I grunted before the view went back to orange and I fell to the floor. As the pain faded I looked around and saw everyone I knew around me. 

"I told them" I cheered throwing my hands in the air. "I god damn told them" I cheered bouncing up and down. "Fuck yeah" 

But then I paused. Time travel didn't exist. Nothing was going to change. 

"Fuck!!" I screamed angrily. "Fuck fuck fuck" 

"She is somehow able to get here" A voice said. Looking around I didn't see anyone speak. "They are out there somewhere"

It was familiar. 

"Steve wherever they are we can't get there without the stones, we need to bring them back" a female voice said. It was Steve who spoke. The girl must have been Nat. "We'll fix all of it"

"I know" 

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