Chapter 35: Hooked On A Feeling

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Stiles POV 

"Check it Out" I called to Clint as I threw a grenade towards some HYDRA agents. As it exploded I moved my hands away from each other in a way that was suppose to mimick the explosion. "Boom" 

"Can we concentrate on infiltrating the base instead of trying to be GI Joe" Said Nat into the ear piece. "Clint you promised you'd be serious this mission"

"I'm trying Nat I really am but Stiles is making it hard for me" He Said whilst shooting some arrows. 

"Do not blame my little oven wiz for being distracting" Shouted Tony through the earpieces. "Besides she takes turns distracting us all" 

"It's true last time I fought with the young mage she kept throwing snow balls at me" spoke Thor and I saw lightning hit the ground so I amplified it's power. "And she does that" he said as we watched some more agents convulse. 

"Wait the last mission you went in was in a hot country? Where did the snow come from?" Asked Clint as he shot three arrows at the enemy which o infused with magic so they hit some others behind that. 

"Magic bitches" I Said as I wrapped my wonder women like lasso around a few HYDRA bitches and threw them in Hulks direction. "It's useful" 

"Hey how's that counsel going? With the different creatures that you set up?" Asked Tony. "Son of mother ducking bitch" he said as he most likely got hurt. 

"Language" Said Steve and everyone was silent. "Yes I did say that, nobody is going to mention it"

"Peter you mention it to anyone who will listen understood" I said to Peter as I saw him swing through the trees. Hulk watched him go past with a happy smile on his face. "I'll tell the pack and post it on twitter later"

"Seriously?" Steve said upset. "Whatever I'm in castle thingy" he said and I snorted at hisnput our voice. 

"Oooh look at that so am I" Said Tony and I swore as I got shot in the leg. "Oven wiz?"

"Shot in thenleg you bitches" I Said opening a portal beneath the soldiers and they all fell through into a black nothingness. "Why do they always go for the leg?" I Said and used magic to heal it as I saw Oeter enter my view. 

"Where'd you get hit? I'll put some web over it, please be okay" He Said and I smirked, such a cutie. "You healed it with magic didn't you?" He asked and the kid sighed putting his hands on his hips. "I'm gonna go that way, kick some bad guy ass" he said and swung away. 

"Watch your gosh darn language both of you" Said Tony in a teasing Tony and I laughed as I kicked an approaching solider in the chest and shot the other approaching one. 

"Your never letting that go are you?" Steve asked and I heard Clint snort. 

"It will be written on your gravestone old man" he said and I knocked some other bad guys out and everything was quiet around me. I listened out but heard nothing until I was knocked on my ass. 

"Bet you didn't see that coming huh?" Said a guy with silver hair as he pasted me before he zoomed away again. 

"I want to inflict that guy pain" I Said and receive a confused 'huh' from Peter and Tony. "Speedy Guy super fast knocked me in my ass the prick" I spoke and opened a portal and he came running through again and again until he stopped next to me. "Hello"

"Hi, impressive" he said motioning to the portal. "I'm Pietro, and you are beautiful?" He said holding out his hand which I grabbed and using magic to enhance my strength crushed. 

"Stiles you ass" I Said and watched as I threw his hot ass through a different portal. "You know he's an asshole but he had a nice butt" 

"Really?" Said Tony like he was coming out of some sort of daze. "Did we need to know?"

"Hey I don't know your preferences, you could be hiding something Stark" I told him and I heard Peters chuckle before he landed next to me. "I'm getting Peter home he has history homework" 

"Wait what? Nooo" said Peter with a whine before we were in our bedroom. "Why?!!!! That could ha e gotten interesting"

"Be lucky I let you go in the first place you could have gotten hurt young man" I Said and he took off his mask showing his pout. "Shower and then homework" I Said and he sighed before leaving to do as he was told. 

"Kids huh?" Said May from the doorway. 

"Tell me about it" I responded when I noticed her fancyass dress. "Going somewhere?"

"Date night" she said and I nodded. 

"Have fun" I told her and she smiled and left but I ran and stuck my head into the hallway. "But not too much fun"

"Haha very funny"

"I know I'm hilarious"

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