Chapter 38: Little Sister

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Stiles POV 

Opening my eyes I saw a wooden ceiling with a fan going in slow circles. Sitting up I felt a pounding in the back of my head which I shut up with magic. I stood and noticed I was wearing different clothes. Walking towards the door I heard footsteps from the other side of the door and quickly opened it. I was going to attack, thinking I'd been kidnapped, but screamed when I saw a women heavily preganant carryin a tray of food. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry let me help you with that, you should be resting come on" I Said taking the tray from the lady and I started walking towards the stairs I saw. 

"It's okay, I'm fine" she said following me with a chuckle. "I'm Laura Barton by the way"

"Who What now? Barton? Like Clint? Clings your baby daddy?" I asked and she nodded. "Oh no he doesn't get away with not telling me this" I said walking down the stairs quicker pittjng the tray on the first table I saw. Walking outside I saw Clint with 2 other children. Oh man Clint. "Clinton you asshat twatacus dickwad!!" I shouted and he turned around saying something to his child and putting the boy down from where they were play fighting. "How could you not tell me about this?!!"

"Fury helped me set it up, to keep them safe" he said and I nodded hugging him before pulling back and slapping him. "Definitely the most dramatic reaction"

"Probably because when I got here A) I was unconscious and B) I thought I was kidnapped" I Said and he smiled at me sheepishly. "So, who wants to help me bake cupcakes?" I Shouted to the children who screamed excited and then started to run inside. "Who's the second favourite aunt? That's right this girl"

"Why aren't you first?" Clint asked confused an I have him the 'are you dumb?' look. "Right Nat Yeah"


"God remind me to visit the bakery more often" groaned Tony. "Where did you learn to bake women? Heaven?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Now back to wood cutting?"

"Or maybe saving earth from an evil deathbot you created?" I offered as I helped Laura wash the dishes and trays we used to make the cupcakes. "Or we could do something else productive instead of turning into couch potatoes?"

"Speaking of my the tracker is refusing to start, do you think you could maybe take a little look at it for me?" Laura asked and the mechanic stood wiping his hands on his jeans before heading out the door towards the barn. "So, Clint told me about Allison" she started and I paused in scrubbing a bowl of cake mix. "I'm sorry you don't have to talk about it"

"No it's fine, what do you want to know?" I asked and she pout down the baking tray she was drying before looking at me. 

"How do you feel? You grew up not knowinxshe was your twin and then you found her and t d then you were happy for a few years before she was taken from you" she asked me and I nodded hoping to hold back the tears, that did happen didn't it? 

"She was my best friend" I told her. "I had Scott growing up and he'll always be my brother and I love him to death but Allison she's like the other half of me" I told her. "I know all twins say that but it's true, I might have been the one with the magic but she I drew my strength from her" I told her and she nodded. "And we figured out life in a completely different place together, we fought in a war together" I told her and she nodded resting her hand in my shoulder. "Even if she isn't here I want her to be happy and healthy"

"She's a survivor" Steve said and I looked up and saw him in the doorway with a mournful look on his face. "I'm sure she's doing fine, So is Bucky" he told me and I nodded. "Soooo..." He Said before trailing off. 

"Soooo" I teased and he smirked before walking further into the room. "Has the star spangled man come up with a plan yet or are you going to prove the propaganda wrong?" 

"Haha, and yes" he said and I raised an eyebrow. "I'll prove it wrong" 

"Oh Steve, you little golden retriever you"

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