Chapter 8: Born For This

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Sheriff John Stilinski POV 

"Sir," I heard one of the deputies ask from the entrance to my office. I looked up and saw their pained face. "It's been 2 years isn't it time to maybe focus on other cases?" She asked and I just sighed. 

"My nieces, one which I raised as a daughter, has been missing for 2 years, I'm not giving up" 


Allison POV 

So I was on my way to where I was serving in the US army. I was now Agent Argent-Stilinski. I was told there was another female agent working along side me but I hadn't been told her name. We were tasked with helping to train soldiers until someone picked which ever solider was most suitable for some project, I was getting more information when I got there. 

And as the car pulled into the base I saw soldiers running, going through obstacle courses and doing drills. Ah it was heaven, espeacially the shoot range. 

"Agent Argent-Stilinski glad you could make it, my names Col. Chester Phillips Welcome to Camp Lehigh" Said the colonel when I got out of the car. Smiling at the man I took in my surroundings. 

"It's a pleasure to be here" I spoke to the man and I held out my hand to shake which he did. 

"So I was told you were a good Marksman?" Questioned the Colonel and I nodded. "Mind giving a demonstration?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"Of course I can give a demonstration but I might be rusty I haven't shot a gun or a bow in 2 years" I told the man as he lead the way to the shooting range. When we arrived I looked among the weapons laid out until I found a couple of bows, definitely old school and not as effective as my old bow back home but after I played around a little I managed to get it to work to a better standard. 

"Ready when you are Agent" Said the Colonel and I nodded as I grabbed a sheath of arrows and put it in my back. I saw the line that we weren't allowed to cross and saw it was quite close to the targets, so I took some steps back. Notched the arrow and drew it back and after releasing a breath let the arrow fly which landed in the centre of the target. "Impressive, can you shoot moving targets?" 

"Probably" I told him and so some men came out holding some small sand packs for me to shoot. The first one was thrown into the air and I shot it with ease. And then 2 were thrown at once. Quickly taking out an arrow I managed to shoot the first one and the second o e as well although it was more of a close call. 

"Well I'm glad you didn't lie on your enlistment forms" Said the Colonel asni put down the bow and arrows. "Now follow me I'll introduce you to Peggy, you can help finish today's training for the boys" he said and I let out a shaky breath, god please don't say I was wherei thought I was. 

"Hi you must be Agent Argent-Stilinski, I'm Agent Carter" said a gorgeous British women with bright red lips. 

"Pleasure to meet you" I responded politely shaking the women's hand, god dowsnshe know how to make someone feel insignificant. 

"Oh so we have another 'agent' do we, she gonna punch Me in the face as well?" Asked a random solider I didn't care about. 


"Stevie! Heyyyy" 


Stiles POV 

"So how's a girl end up on the front lines?" Asked a solider who was marching besides me smoking as we were making our way to the camp. 

"Well I worked as a detective so they assumed I was a dude" I told him and he nodded his head, he offered me his cigarette and I took it with a shrug why not you only live one right? And hey I was going to the front lines I was probably going to die anyway. I love pessimism. 

"Why didn't you say they made a mistake then?" Asked the other guy to my left. 

"Hey I'm a big girl I can take care of myself" I Said indignantly to the guys and I handed the cigarette back to the first guy. "I bet I could kick both your asses" I muttered to myself in a moody tone which made the guys laugh. 

"Alright I'll take your word for it" Said th first guy who was to my right. "So you have a it at home or in the war? Family?" He asked and I decided fuck it I might as well answer. 

"I have a twin sister but she enlisted and got in but isn't going to the front lines thankfully although she's tough she coulda made it" I Said as I spoke about Allison, god I missed her. "An as for a guy I have my man Bucky wrapped around my little finger, he's in front lines too" I Said and they both nodded their heads laughing a little at my comment about Bucky being wrapped around my finger. "So what bout you boys, family? A girl waiting at home to kick your dumb asses?" 

"Family yes, girl? Ain't that lucky" Said the guy to my left and the guy to my right nodded his head in agreement. 

"Wow you 2 have sad lives" I Said and they just laughed at me, don't laugh this shits true. "What are you names anyway? I'm Stiles Argent-Stilinski, just call me Stiles" 

"Jim Morita" guy to my left Said. 

"Gabe Jones" guy to my right said. 

"Well nice to meet you fella's"

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