Chapter 46: Battle Royale

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Stiles POV 

"Friend Stiles your awake!!" I heard a voice shout clearly. Groaning I turned over to see a group of people watching me. "It's been so long!!"

"Thor?" I asked I disbelief. "The hell you running with the guardians for?" I asked as I pulled myself up so I was sitting. 

"Actually I hit him well I didn't hit him he hit us after his ship got blown up" Quill Said and I snorted a laugh before standing smiling at Gamora. "So what brings you round this neck of the woods?"

"Thanos" I Said with disgust and everyone seemed to frown even harder. 

"Oh great so the purple ball sack really is gonna wipe half of us out" shouted Rocket and I sighed. "Looks like one urged wonder over here wasn't lying after all" 

"You met Thanos?" I asked Thor who seemed more upset than before if it was possible. "Thor what happened?"

"He destroyed the ship, mostly everyone was dead then he  killed Loki and Heimdall" he said and I nodded patting the guys shoulder who then pulled me into a hug. "Thank you I needed that"

"Sure no problem buddy" I Said and he smiled thankfully. "We need to warn Earth, there are plenty of infinity stones there so Thanos will more than likely head for vision and the sorcerers"

"Heimdall sent banner back actually, well hulk but Banner hulk or hulk Banner" Thor Said and I nodded. "Midguard has been appropraitely warned"

"Good now we need weapons" I Said. "We need a weapon that is capable of killing a titan we also need to find the reality Stone" I Said and I looked to Gamora. "Your the only person who knows where the Sould Stone is right?"

"Yes, I destroyed the map but no doubt Thanks will try get it out of me" she told me. "You need to remove my memory of it, implant it in yourself"

"Why not just destroy it comepletely?" Asked Quill. "I mean just figured the newby should know right" he finished and everyone bar Thor rolled their eyes at the human god hybrid, Well former with the god part. 

"Because memories are electrical impulses in the brain, energy can't be destroyed or created and since this is a certain type of energy it is nearly impossible to change, the best bet we have of survival is if Thanks thinks Gamora knows where the Stone is but actually only I know" I told them. "We need to make him think we're falling into his trap, Gamora, Quill and Drax you go for the reallty Stone" 

"And the rest of us can go to Nidavellir to create something we can use to kill him" Thor Said in delight. 

"I'm going for the time Stone" I Said and everyone frowned. "I made a promise to the sorcerer supreme that I would help guide Strange down the right path to help protect us all" 

"And that you shall do and do well" Thor Said. "Let's go" 


"You've gotta be fucking with me" I Said approaching Titan. I saw Thanos, Tony, Peter all fighting. Well Peter was to the side, Strange was using his wizard powers to try keep Thanos distracted. As I approached I shot energy blasts at Thanos, portalling over him I began to try knock him out. Allowing my helmet to retract I looked to Tony. "Get the gauntlet"

It had taken me much longer than I'd of liked to reach Titan after leaving to guardians and Thor. It was such a far out planet, far from anything else in the universe. Seeing people around who weren't there before I looked to see the guardians. 

"Mantis help" I Said and someone boosted her up so she could use her powers on Thanos too. "Get it off"

"We're trying" Shouted Tony. He and peter kept pulling at it. Taking my hand away to started to blast at the gauntlet . "Quill calm down" Shouted Tony and I saw Peter looked angry. Not Peter Parker, he's just trying his best. "Quill I mean it"

"Peter no" I shouted but he'd hit Thanos in the face hitting Mantis' hands. And then the planet descended into chaos. Peter collected to guardians as Thanos threw them around. "Hey" I Said using a magic whip to try restrain Thanos. It wrapped around his hand with the gauntlet. "Remember me"

"I slaughtered you and your planet" he said and I growled anchoring the whip to the ground and ran. Jumping up I kicked him in the face. Before I could land his other arm swatted me away like a fly. Hitting my head on some rock it broke me concentration and the whip and Tony stepped in to take on the Titan. 

"Hey hey you okay?" Parker said coming over and I groaned standing up. Nodding I pulled the kid into a hug. "Let's uh, we better help Tony" he said and I nodded. "Magic me over" He Said and I grinned opening a portal. The kid went through and I looked as he landed on the titans shoulders shooting webs in his eyes as I ran blasting his ankles as Tony kicked his chest in the suit. 

The Titan fell and Peter tried to web his arms but only managed one before Thanos tried to roll throwing him off. Quill came over shooting his blasters at the purple ballsack and the webbing broke as Tony prepared to end it. 

Everything just went worse cause after more getting our asses kicked Thanos used Tony's weapon against him. 

"Tony" I said seeing the man sit shocked at the blow as Thanos said something I couldn't hear. "Help him" I Said to Strange who nodded. 

"Wait spare him and I'll give you the time Stone" he said. 

"No tricks?" Thanos asked. 

"No tricks" the sorcerer confirmed. 

And Thanks got the Stone. 

"I'm going to Earth, I have to try help them" I Said and Tony nodded. "You all stay recover"

"Try win" Peter Parker Said and I nodded gripping his shoulder before opening a portal. 


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