Chapter 24: Welcome To The Jungle

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Stiles POV 

"Your kicking me out?" I Said outraged to the happy couple, ugh. Steve and Allison looked guilty but also not, ugh I say ugh. 

"Your making it sound like I'm kicking you out of the house, just to a different room" Said Allison reassuringly and I looked to Steve he just avoided my gaze. Well then, I see. 

"Don't come begging me back when you figure out he snores" I told Allison and then I looked to Steve. "I hope your very happy and remember hurt her and you'll be teleported into a world of darkness, literally" I told Steve before I stormed away. 

"Where are you going?" Asked Allison as I made for the stairs and I turned to look at her. 

"To pack my things, I'm moving in with Peter" I Said and stormed away. 

"WaIt which Peter?!!" The huntress Shouted after me but I didn't reply as I closed my former bedroom door and started to pack my things, I packed 3 books before I got bored. 

"Magic" I Said doing jazz hands and then veryrhibg was packed away in boxes. "Double magic" I Said and the  boxes were gone and I heard a scream from upstairs, I followed the screams. "Hey Petey, Petey boy, my main man, my little spider" I Said to Oeter as I entered his bedroom. He was sat on his bed doing homework. "If it's chemistry I'm not helping" I told him before waving my hands, and everything was unpacked god I love magic. 

"What are you doing?" Peter asked so I smirked in his direction. "Steve's moving in?" He said surprised as I nodded my head. "Cool" He said before going back to his homework. 

"It's friday and your doing homework?" I asked incredulously. Peter slowly nodded. "No I'm getting you drunk, just us, don't tell May" I told him grabbing his hand, and we were in a club. Jungle to be exact. 

"Is this a gay club?" Said Peter as I weaves through the crowd heading for the bar. And maybe trying to find my drag queen friends, Starfire has moved I'm telling you. Yes he was named after the Teen Titan, yes she's practically my best friend. But instead the first person I found was dun dun dun Danny. 

"Danny!!" I shouted grabbing onto the 21 year old. "And I bet your using a real ID this time!!" I said happily making him laugh. 

"Yes I am" He Said proudly and loudly over the music. "Who's this?" He said pointing at Peter who hit a guy whose hands were wondering, we were stood on the dance floor. 

"This is Peter" I Said turning the teen around. "I'm his bad influence" I Said before grabbing both my friends hands. 

"Let me guess you adopted someone else and he and his family are living with you?" Asked Danny and I turned to raise an eyebrow at him. "Your very maternal, you have a thing with adopting anything you find cute"

"Say that to the golden retriever puppy Allison wouldn't let me get" I grumbled as we reached the bar. 

"Let the fun begin!!" Shouted Danny before the three of us down our shots. 


"Peter shussssh" I whispered as we got into the house in Queens again. "Peter" I said as we hit a kitchen chair. 

"That one was the fault" he replied as we opened the freezer, it was ice cream o'clock. "Cookie dough or mint chocolate chip?"

"Cookie" I replied and then still clinging to each other we were walking up the stairs, clumsily. I'm half sure Allison looked out of her and Steve's room, no they didn't help if she did. "I'll teleport us upstairs" I Said grabbing Peters hand and then we were landing on the bed, which was occupied. 

"Ahhh What the hell?!! Stiles? Peter?" Shouted Derek as we landed on the bed that I now figured was Derek's. 

"I sent us to the wrong place" I Said looking at Peter wide eyed. "Ice cream?" I offered the werewolf who sighed before grabbing a spoon. So soon 4 of us were eating ice cream and watching tv, because Derek's M.D. Issac had a tv in their room. 

"Where did you guys even go?" Asked Issac and Peter sighed. 

"Never again" he said grabbing ice cream. So Oerer was dressed in drag, he rocked those heels and I was wearing Danny's jeans and a top from the guy that tried dancing with Peter, repeatedly. 

"Until next Friday, it's going to be tradition. Me, you, Danny and Jungle" I Said and Peter sighed before eating more ice cream whilst Derek and Issac just stared at us. 

"Right" said Derek before he ate a huge chunk of cookie dough and I mean huge. "Stiles what happened to your clothes?" 

"I'm pretty sure the bartender had my top and one of the Queens has my jeans, Peters got my heels" I Said and they looked at Peters feet. Black stilettos, I was feeling that way today I didn't want to be short anymore. 

"So how was your guys Friday night?" I asked and Derek glared. 

"Fine until I had 2 people land on me when I was asleep" 

"Totally unplanned"

"Doesn't matter"

"Can I take these heels off now?"

"Sure, I'm surprised you lasted that long to be fair"

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