Chapter 3: Different Creatures

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Steve POV 

"Look Bucky we cant afford to keep this place we're behind on rent and we don't even need all this space we should get somewhere smaller" I Said to Bucky as I waked into the kitchen preparing to make some coffee. I heard Bucky sigh and I knew he lowered his head admitting defeat. When he found this apartment it was great at first but now since Bucky lost his job and had to get a different lower paying one we haven't been able to afford it. And no one takes on a sickly man that might not even be able to show everyday. 

"Alright let's be down to the estate agents" Said Buck standing up grabbing his jacket from the hook and handing me mine as well as we made our way outside into the autumn air. Walking down the street I saw people walking around as shops got busier since it was now noon and people were having lunch breaks from work and such. 

Walking into the small estate agents we started looking at cheap 2 bedroom apartments until it came to the argument that the ones we thought were suitable were over budget or were in budget but too dingy and not suitable for me since it was coming up to winter where I was more likely than not going to get sick. 

"Look Bucky That one is perfectly fine why don't we just go with that one" I said pointing to one of the cheapest 2 bedroom apartments that were in the wall. 

"You know I could just get another job and then we'd be able to afford where we're at now" argued Bucky who seemed more than determined to keep the apartment we were currently in. As we started bickering about apartments we didn't notice the strange girl listening into our conversation until she made her presence known. 

"I have a proposition" she announced and both me and Bucky jumped looking at the girl in shock. She was short, just a little shorter than me and was wearing a long sleeved top of sorts and some skin tight trousers that showed her skinny legs. The girl raised her eyebrow at us when neither of us spoke. 

"What sort of proposition?" Bucky eventually asked. The girl smirked amused by something or other but I was too busy thinking about the strange behaviour of the girl and her odd clothing choices. Now normally girls wouldn't approach 2 men, even one as short as me, as they'd probably get shutdown in business deals and the clothes the girl were wearing were odd, I'd never seen anyone wear what she was which was odd since most women wore dresses and skirts. 

"Me and my twin need a place to stay. We pay half rent you 2 idiots pay half rent and we get a place to stay. Win win situation if I do say so myself" Said the girl confidently. 

"So your asking 2 men who you don't even know the names of if you and your twin can live with them?" I asked growing more and more confused by the girls behaviour. Everyone knows you shouldn't, espeacially a women, put yourself in such a vulnerable position we're you could get hurt. 

"Yes That is what I just said why?" She seemed to grow irritated since we weren't giving her an answer. 

"Stevie maybe we should help the girl out" Said Bucky as the girl continued to look at us expectantly. Looking at the girl who was shorter and skinnier than even me I thought 'how dangerous could she be?'. Nodding my head at Bucky he smiled, he was planning something. "When would you like to see the apartment?" Asked Bucky since she'd probably want to see where she was living before committing to living there. 

"Nows fine unless you 2 gents are busy" stated the girl so Bucky motioned for her to follow us outside. As we walked in silence back to the apartment I wondered if the girls twin would be alright staying with 2 unknown men. 

"Would Your twin be alright staying with 2 strangers?" I asked the girl who's name we still didn't know which was slightly off putting. 

"Oh Allison's a people person she'll love it and can I ask your names I never got them before?" She asked as we rounded the corner o to the street where our apartment was. 

"I'm James Barnes but you can call me Bucky and this here is Steve Rogers" said Bucky as we made our way up the stairs on the outside of the small building which led to our apartment. 

"Well I'm Stiles Argent-Stilinski and my sister is Allison Argent-Stilinski" She Said as we walked inside. Walking in me and Bucky took off our coats putting them on the hooks whilst Stiles looked around the small living room we'd entered. 

"So clearly this is the living room, in there is the kitchen it has a table to eat it at enough room for 4 people thankfully." Said Bucky as he started showing Stiles (strange name) around the apartment. "Here is mine and Stevies rooms and this is the spare room and an office space that neither of us use but this stuff was here when we moved in" Said Bucky opening 2 doors that could be used as the girls rooms. One had a cork board up in it and a desk that the previous owner had left and Stiles' face seemed to light up at seeing them. "This is the bathroom, there's only 1 so I hope you and your sister don't mind sharing" Said Bucky opening the door at the very end of the hall. 

Stiles finished her scrutiny of the bedrooms her and her sister would have and turned to the both of us. "Well looks like you 2 just got some more roomies" 

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