Chapter 22: Bring Me To Life

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Stiles POV 

"Bitch" I groaned as I woke up. I tried to lift my hands so I could hold my pounding head but I couldn't move them. Opening my eyes I saw they were bound in rope to a chair and so were my legs. "Perfect, just how I want to spend well any day" I groaned and I tried to wiggle my way out of the rope. I looked around and I figured I was in Starks new tower, but why? 

Looking out of the glass I saw Aliens. Fucking aliens. Amazing. "Son of a bitch" I muttered to myself getting angry. The ropes set on fire, not burning me, and I stood up and made my way outside. "Some fucker better be prepared to die" I Said before running and jumping off the Stark tower building. Upon reaching the floor however I just passed through it. 

And landed on an alien that was about to attack Allison. 

"Oh my god, Stiles!!" She shouted before hugging me. 

"Fight now hug later" I told her and she nodded and immediately started to fire arrows, I have a badass twin sister she's the best. I then pulled out my own magic fuelled weapon. A golden lasso, it fuels all of my nerdy dreams of being wonder women. Throwing the lasso it wrapped around a group of aliens which I then threw into the air, remember magic is a huge part in making this possible. 

I continued to use the magic whip to kill aliens as I fought alongside my sister. Sometimes I used magic on her arrows to hit the aliens no matter what, and to make them stronger obviously. As we fought I noticed the black hole of doom in the sky, wonderful. 

"Stiles they're sending a missile" Said Allison so I nodded my head and began to use magic to try track it. Once I found i I looked to Allison my eyes filled with regret. "What are you planning? Stiles?" She asked panicked but I just ran into a wall. 

I was then diving into the missile, one that would destroy New York. Using magic I manipulated the air around it, forcing it upwards. I just hoped to god they didn't close the portal just yet. And then Tony was under the missile helping me direct it. 

"Stiles get out of here" hebcommanded butni shook my head no. "That wasn't a suggestion do it"

"Not today buddy" I Said and I clicked my finger and Tony was in his tower. And then I was closing in on the portal. And then I was in motherfucking space. Falling off the missile I just floated and watched as the spaceship blew up. 

And once I again I lost consciousness. 


Scott POV

"Stiles!!" I Shouted as I watched the missile go into the portal. I was alongside Steve fighting with him and we both watched in horror, wouldnshe come back?

"We have to close it Steve, I'm sorry" said Natasha and I saw Steve look down in regret. He's already grieving one friend now he'll probably have to grieve another, guy can't catch a break. And we watched as theportal few smaller and smaller. The aliens had dropped dead and I felt tears on my face. My best friends was going to be lost in space, and most likely die. Oh god Allison. 

And as we watched the portal close for good I saw something in the sky. 

"She's falling from the sky!!" I Shouted and Thor stayed to swing his hammer to fly to get and and he started to fly except the Hulk jumped from a building and caught her. Oh thank god oh thank god, butbthat doesn't mean she's alive shit!!

"Is She Okay?!!!" Shouted Allison as all of us approached the young sorceress or whatever she was. 

"She's not breathing" Said Clint and you could see the pained look in his eyes although he tried to hide it, Guess it hurt losing anyone on any mission. 

"That is not happening" Said Allison and she knelt down and started to give Stiles CPR. "Come on you loveable idiot have a fucking heartbeat" she said desperately and it wasn't working but she just wouldn't give up. "She can't be gone" she sobbed into Steve's chest when he pulled her away from Stiles' corpse. 

Looking away because I couldn't bare to look at my best friend anymore. I saw the Hulks face, he was angry and confused. So he roared in Stiles' face. 

"Oh Sweet Jesus" said Stiles in her shock as she sat up. She looked around everyone. "God I didn't think I was that beautiful" she joked before me and Allison, Steve after Allison dragged him, crushed Stiles in a group hug. 

"Oh god your the most crazy person ever and so fucking beautiful" I groaned into Stiles' hair. "You are beautiful" I whispered loudly which made her laugh. Oh god she laughed!!

"Your acting like I died or something" she joked again and all our faces went cold. "Seriously?!!"

"I had to perform CPR" Said Allison Seriously. 

"So you brought me back? Wonder twin powers!!"

"Actually it was the Hulk, he roared"

"Oh makes sense"

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