Chapert 6: Take Me Out

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Stiles POV 

"I need pants" I Said as we looked around the women's clothing in some random shop. This has been a recurring problem. See we go into a shop and Ally manages to find something suited to her taste and I (very reluctantly may I add) got a skirt but I need trousers. It's not easy chasing criminals in a dress, or in heels for that matter which seems to be the most common type of footwear. 

"I'm sure they'll have them somewhere" Said Allison as she tried to find a dress that was her size. 

"We've been into 5 shops already and I've seen no trousers tailored for women, I'm thinking I should go to the men's section" I Said looking over to the men's section in the other side of the store, it's pants galore over there. They would obviously be too large even the smaller sizes since I was so goddamn tiny

I continued shopping in the women's section. Ally forced me to buy a dress, a nice red one that wasn't that bad. And then it just happened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them. The loves of my life. 

Women's trousers. 

A beautiful navy blue with maroon strips down the side. And oh my another pair. Plain black but they were trousers. That would fit. I turned to Allison to see her smiling at me over the top, sarcasm is my thing it seems strange her doing it. I bought the trouser (after making sure they fit) and went to change into them. 

"Perfect now time to go to work" I Said when me and Allison left the store with all the things we needed. 


"Okay so we've been here a month, any progress on getting us home? Any?" Asked Allison and I nodded my head at her. 

"I found a witch in Ohio and we've been exchange letters. She said she'll have her coven look for spells and she'll talk to other covens she knows. She also sent me some spell books to look through" I told her and she nodded. 

"That's good, that's great. Now what do you think about this dress with my date with Steve?" She asked holding up a green dress. I scrunched up my nose, urgh she must have something better in sure I saw her wearing that on the date she went in with that Thomas guy, or was it James? "Okay so not that but I bought this really nice blue skirt and I found a nice white ruffled shirt to go with" she said holding up Said outfit. 

"Perfecto!" I Said shaking my hands out. "Right go shower and I'll get the curlers ready and your makeup whilst also finding some food and making us some tea" I told her and she agreed. She hurried to the shower like an excited school girl whilst I just rolled my eyes at her. 

"Hey Sti" Said Bucky as I entered the kitchen. I nodded my head in his direction before I pulled some mugs from the cupboard and start making tea, I miss kettles now I ha e to boil the water in a pan. "So Stevie and Ally are all grown up?" He said as he moved to leaned against the counter next me. "Think we should set them a curfew?" I snorted at that. Me and Buck got along great, we were both sarcastic shits so you know instant friendship. 

"So you not found a lady to dance with this week?" I asked the womaniser and he shook his head. 

"Who do you take me for Ms. Argent-Stilinski. I am a man of purity and have not so much as looked at a woman no less danced with them, that is just preposterous" he exclaimed sarcastically. That's how most of our conversations went, sarcasm at its finest. "How about you, sunk your fangs into any man recently?" He asked and I turned to look at him, brow raised. 

"Why indeed I have Mr. Barnes." I Said before I pulled some donuts I had made from the fridge. "I'd like you to meet Mr. Dough Nut, the love of my life. We're plannimg a June wedding" I Said before I took the tea and doughnuts leaving the sound of Bucky 's laughter fading as I went. 


Allison POV 

"So I have a question" I said to Steve whilst we were eating dinner in this nice family run Italian restaurant. He looked up questioningly so I decided it was confirmation to ask away. "Do you think we should set Stiles and Bucky up? Like on a date?" I asked him and he chocked lightly on his drink and coughed before he answered. 

"Honestly I e seen Bucky in one maybe two relationships since I e known him which is since we were kids. He's more one to go on lots of dates but never commit but since he met Stiles he hasn't been on as many, I guess they'll figure it out if it's meat to be" he replied and I nodded my head. 

"I wonder if they ever fuck when we're not there" 

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