Chapter 23: Good Fight

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Stiles POV 

"Peter, Ned, Mason and Liam school" I shouted at the teens who had taken up residence in our house. Yay for loft conversations large enough for 2 bedrooms. Peter and Ned got one room, whilst Ned was here he did have his own family after all, and one for May. And Melissa will share with the Sheriff since she's now on her way to New York. She stayed because she couldn't find a nursing position here but now she decided that she wants to be here, she'll work at the bakery until something comes up and she gets the job. 

"Hey Stiles" Said Liam as he came down the stairs happily. Mason was following behind reading one of my books on something supernatural. Ned was walking like a zombie and Peter wasn't there. "Peters on his way, just getting his stuff" Said Liam when he saw my worried expression. Nodding I accepted it and handed the kids there lunches just as Peter came downstairs flustered. He seemed panicked about something. 

"Peter" I said softly and he turned to look at me. "You okay?" I asked and he nodded his head shakily. "Guys Scott's waiting outside, me and Peter need to talk" I told the other teens, 2 of which we're repeating senior year due to not getting good enough grades due to supernatural issues. Couldn't blame them really. 

"What do we need to talk about?" He asked and I just raised an eyebrow. "Look I'm fine really, just stressed because of exams and stuff yeah" he said like he was also trying to convince himself. 

"Liam told me you'd already done exams so that's conplete bullshit" I told him and he tried to stutter a response. "Peter you know what I can do, you saw it on TV, you know I wouldn't judge you if something strange happened to you" I told him and he nodded looking to the floor. 

"My hands keep getting stuck to everything" he told me so I listened carefully. "And I can hear everything and I'm suddenly really strong and it's like I know if somethings going to happen before it happened" he told me. 

"Like you can see the future?" I asked and he shook his head. "Or like you can sense when something bad is happening?" I asked and he nodded. 

"Like yesterday at school someone threw a baseball at me in gym class, at the back of my head and I caught it and I've also got really fast reflexes" he told me so I nodded my head in understanding. "What does it mean?"

"When did it start?" I asked him and he seemed to think. 

"During the invasion I got bit by this spider and it was a strange blue and red spider when I was touring Oscourp for a biology class" Peter said so I nodded and I decided I had to do something I tried to avoid. 

"I need to look into your head to see the spider when I see the spider I'll be able to look into it's genetics see if anything is weird about it that could be causing this" I told him so he nodded his head sitting down in the dining room, connected to the kitchen. 

"What if it's like an adrenaline rush before I die? And it's like an infection or something that's killing me?" Asked the kid worried and it made me chuckle. "What's so funny?" He asked panicked so I waved my hand at him. 

"Just something Scott said once" I told him so he nodded confused. And he looked forward again. "I'm going to put my hands on the side of your head to increase the connection, I'll have a a paste on them that will open your mind" I told him and he nodded his head quickly moving away when I moved my hands, coated in a paste of different herbs, towards him. "What?" I asked and he turned to me sheepish. 

"Will it hurt?" He asked so I shook my head at him softly, bless his little soul someone better cherish this kid someday. 

"It will be like falling asleep" I told him and he nodded and I started the spell. Flashes ran through my mind of recent memories, Peters panic at these sudden abilities until I got to the memory with the spider and I slowed it down from the torrent of memories that filled my brain. Seeing it slowly I observed the spider and figured out its genetic code. 

Using that information I found out that beforenit died it was the last experiment of that sort. Opening my eyes Peter looked up at me as I released his head.

"Good news the spiders dead" I Said and he looked at menside eyed. "Bad news is that whatever happened is irreversible"

"If the spider was alive would it be reversible?" He asked hopefully and I hated to disappoint but I had to shake my head, no, it was permanent. "So what's happened to me?"

"Your genetic code has been altered" I told him and he nodded with a frown. "Your body has adapted and now you have some properties similar to a spider" I Said and his eyes widened in panic and fear. "You can climb on walls and stuff" I told him and he nodded. 

"Can I Shoot webs?" He asked and I turned to him with a smirk. "You wanna test see if I can?"

"Uh Yeah, totally" I told him and his smirk dropped slightly. 

"What if I can't?" 

"Then magic duh" 

"Oh right"

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