Chapter 17: Welcome To The Jungle

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Stiles POV 

"Hey Stiles" I heard my uncle John say as he walked into the living room. He was holding 2 mugs of hot chocolate, he makes the best hot chocolate it's amazing. "You talked to your uncle Phil since you both got back?" He asked and I shook my head sadly. 

"What am I suppose to say 'hey uncle Phil it's me your niece you know who's been missing for 5 years and oh yeah I do magic and truthfully I was in the past fighting in world war 2 what have you been up to since we last spoke?'" I said sarcastically making uncle John sigh. 

"Well I called him" he said and I turned to him with a panicked look. "He said you and Allison can go visit him at work one day" he said and I scrunched up my nose. You see uncle Phil as a hotel manager, not exactly the most exciting job, and I don't think visiting him at work is the best way for him to meet his long lost niece Allison. "Or invite him to dinner" suggested uncle John so I nodded. 

"I'm thinking lasagna with garlic bread and millionaire shortbread with your hot chocolate?" I suggestedto Uncle John who nodded his head. 


"Wait so you can't come to dinner anymore, why?" I asked uncle Phil down the phone. It was midday and he was suppose to be here in 6 hours for dinner. 

"Something came up at work, I promise I'll make it up to you all" he said and I sighed nodding my head even though he couldn't see it. 

"Well what's happening at work maybe I could help, if it's weird and wacky I'm your gal" I Said with a laugh and uncle Phil let out a strained one f his own. "Your not a hotel manager are you?" I Questioned him and I heard him sigh. 

"No bu I can't tell you what I do" he said seriously making me laugh. "But if you find out on your own I can't be blamed" he said and I hmm'd. "Now I have to go duty calls" he said before we said our goodbyes and hung up. 

"So uncle Phil can't make it?" Asked Allison as she walked into the library where I was sat. I nodded my head and she sighed disappointedly. "Well I suppose I'll meet him eventually"


Phil POV 

We were in the bridge of the hellicarrier waiting for a match to be found on Loki to see if we could track him. Banner and Romanoff were in the lab whilst Rogers was on the bridge with me, Fury and Hill. 

"Is there anyway for this to go faster?" Asked Steve. Fury immediately shook his head whilst I thought back to the conversation with my niece. In our family the eldest child usually inherited magical powers from their parent. Stiles was the eldest child between her and Allison so she must have inherited the spark from Claudia. 

"There might be" I Said and the others turned to look at me. They were all curious. "My older sister was able to use magic" I Said and Fury looked incredulous. 

"Magic?" He asked and I nodded, lips pressed tightly together. "Seriously?!! Well get her ass here to track that fucker" Shouted Fury And I sighed looking down. "What is it Agent?" 

"My sisters dead" I Said and Fury at least had the decency to look sheepish and guilty. "But she had 2 children" I carried on and Fury looked up again. "The oldest would have inherited the magic so I could ask her to come help us" I offered. 

"Well What are you waiting for? Get her ass here now" shouted Fury and I nodded. Walking out of the room I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started dialling Stiles' number. 

"Well well if it isn't uncle Phil, calling to say you changed your mind about dinner?" She asked when she answered and I paused not knowing what to say. "Uncle Phil? What's going on?" 

"I need your help" I said urgently when I finally got the words out. "I'm assuming you'll be able to track where we are and get yourself here?" I asked her and I got an affirmative. Hanging up after saying goodbye I made my way back to the bridge where I saw the expectant faces of Fury, Rogers and Hill. "She's on her way" I Said and Fury nodded. And then an agent spoke. 

"Sir a women just appeared on the ship they don't know who she is but she knocked out the crew with help" said the agent in a small voice. 

"Get me a visual" I Said walking to his desk. He pulled up the camera footage of what happened and I saw a young women wave her hand whilst a girl with a bow kicked a few agents knocking them unconscious. "Give them clearance, it's my nieces" I Said before going back up to meet Fury. 

"Well uncle Phil I have to say I expected a warmer welcome" Said Stiles as she entered the room. She was smirking whilst  Allison seemed nervous. 

"Stiles? Allison?" 


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