Chapter 14: Something To Drink

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Stiles POV

"Hey you guys lost?"

"Crap" I Said aloud as I heard the familiar voice, obviously changed a little bit not too much so I didn't recognise it. "We should be fine I think I mean just one question: where are we?" I asked and Allison gave me a panicked look whilst I tried to shush her. 

"Urr the ur edge of Beacon Hills, how do you not know?" He asked and me and Allison were still stupidly facing away from him so he probably thought we were up to some shady business. "Your not doing anything you shouldn't, right?" He asked as I shared a look with Allison. She wanted me to turn around and yeah I knew this guy since I was a kid but damn it's been 5 years, guess I'll just have to suck it up. 

"I'm always doing something I shouldn't, Scotty" I said smiling as I turned standing straight A's I did it. His face was priceless, hadn't changed too much since I last saw him except the shadow of a beard on the lower half of his face. 

"Stiles? Allison?" He asked shocked but happy, I think. "Oh my god where the hell have you guys been?!! We've been worried sick we thought you got kidnapped or something, what the hell?!!" He asked shocked although he was still hugging the life out of us. 

"Well ya know just time travelling and now just trying not to fall apart because shits going down and oh god he's dead" I whined before falling to the floor to sit down as I started to sob. It seemed to finally hit Allison that we'd never see them again and she too sat down on the floor sobbing as we hugged each other. 

"Oh god don't cry Stilesbtou know whenever you cry I cry" Scott whines before he came and sat with us in a huddle of sobs and tears, it was an utterly pathetic night. And then Scott phone rang so obviously he answered. "Hey" He said in a soft voice which was obvious he'd been crying. "I'm crying because their crying and they're both dead" he whined and that made us sob harder. We'd never see the people we love again and that was just ughhh we didn't even have a grave we could go visit, ahhh. "The gas station on the outskirts of town" he said and then nodded his head. "Yeah that one, see you soon" and then he hung up th phone. "Who's dead can I ask?" 

"My fiancée" said Allison and I immediately sat up straight, Bitch whattttt? "We were going to tell you and then shit happened and Bucks dead and Stevie thinks we are and now he's the dead one" she groaned and I just groaned with her. They were going to get married and have little bandies but life decided 'ha no screw that these girls ain't being happy anytime soon' and now here we are. 

"I want my Buck-Buck back" I whined and the three of us just proceeded to sit in silence until a car sped up to the gas station. 

"Scott!!!" Someone Shouted and I didn't recognise them. She came into view and stopped at the sight of the 3 of us. "Who are these?" She asked nervously until 2 others joined her. 

"Stiles?! Allison?!" Shouted Lydia in shock beforebshe ran over. Derek was behind her but he just stayed with the stranger. "Oh my god I'm sooo happy, how?" She asked and we told her wentine travelled and time travelled back. "Your dad and uncles going to be so happy your home!!" She squealed and me and Allison shared a wide eyed look. 

"Ahhh" we screamed before standing and we started to run. "Why did we just ask them to drive us there?" I Said and we slowed down before turning back. "Hey So how bout a ride?" I asked sheepishly so Derek motioned us to his car and we got in along with Lydia whilst the stranger who Lydia told us was named Kira went with Scotty on his dirt bike, because he actually has one of those. 

"So what happened whilst we were away?" Asked Allison and Lydia and Derek shared a look before going into a long winded story filled with stupidity and gore. 

"And that's the short version" Said Lydia as we pulled up to the Sheriffs station. 

"I'd hate to hear the long one" me and Allison said in sync as we shared nervous looks. 

5 years and we were about to see our father and Uncle again. Damn if I couldn't have done with a strong drink first. 

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