Chapter 42: Paradise City

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Stiles POV 

"So how's everything going" I Said to Thor as I approached the church. "Tony how's is looking?"

"Everything is set we need to move quickly" he said and I nodded. "Alright blasting through the magnetic field, act when I say" he said and Thor started summoning thunder and I prepared to start and electrical charge. "Now" He Shouted And I shot electricity at the key as Thor struck it with lightening. 

"Wooo" I Said as the rock started crumbling. The church walls shook as the rock started falling and the rock crumbled. "Shit" I Said as the rock crumbled beneath me but Thor grabbed me and we were flying. "Set me down quickly I'll find Banner" I Said and Thor nodded. As soon as he found somewhere safe he set me down. 

"Be safe" Thor told me and I nodded holding out my fist. "Goodbye Stiles" He said bumping his own fist. 

"Later hot stuff" I shouted before he flew away giving a wave. "Alright Banner where are you?" I Questioned myself. Using magic I did the whole tracking thingy mabob and when I found a location I opened a portal there and stepped through. He was on the quinjet going up towards space at a very fast rate, Hulk was just staring out of the window. "Hey there" I Said and he turned quickly with a grunt. Seeing it was me I think it calmed him a bit and so he turned back to the window. "Why don't we go back home?"

"Hulk have no home" he said and I frowned. "Hulk stay here"

"Well then I'm going to stay with you" I Said going to sit in the space next to him. "I'm not leaving you big guy"

"Friend stay" he said and I nodded to myself watching as the sky around us got darker. 

"Friend stay"


"Could have gone smoother but I don't think I did too bad" I Said to Hulk when we eventually crash landed. Oh I forgot to mention it was after flying through a huge wormhole sort of thing. I stumbled out of the jet into the garbage laying around and Hulk wasn't far behind wanting to make sure I didn't fall. He's a big softy really. "So what now?"

"What happens now is I take you to the Grand Master" Said a female voice and I turned to see a women holding a bottle of beer. She looked very badass and awesome even if she was swaying on her feet drunk. "He looks like a champion"

"Champion?" I Said in a questioning manner. "Well I mean yeah Hulks awesome but we kind of have to get back to Earth now so maybe later" I Said and the women rolled her eyes. "Or you knkw maybe a quick visit wouldn't hurt"

"Good, right this way then" she said motioning to her ship. "He'll Be pleases to meet you both"

"Oh goody"


"Oh yeah yeah" Said the guy who I'm guessing is Grand Master. "He is definitely a warrior"

"And what am I? Chopped liver? His servant?" I asked him throwing my arms around. "No I can fight" I argued and the Grand Master chuckled. "I can also bake" I Said with a smile and a small giggle. 

"Bake? Like what a pie? Cake? Pastries?" He asked and I nodded flipping my hair over my shoulder proudly. My baking skills aren't to be messed with. 

"Yeah besides my magical prowess where me and my companion are from I am also mostly known for my baking" I told him and he nodded. "During our stay here if you pay me I'll gladly make you all the pastries and baked goods you like"

"Done, Oh my You've done me good" he said looking to the women who picked up me and Hulk.  "I get a champion and a baker" he said before looking to the fat, grumpy lady next to him. "Pay her, pay her a lot she done good" he before looking to me and Hulk. "What are your names?"

"Hulk" Hulk Said blandly. 

"Stiles Stilinski" I Said with a wave. 

"Tiles Tinski?" He asked and I went to object. "Weird name"

"Yeah okay" I Said to myself accepting the fact that not many people could pronounce my last name or be bothered to remember it. "So what now?"

"Well someone show him a room and her a kitchen" he said. "Your Okay bunking right? Sure you are, when your done baking someone will tell you where your friend is before his fight tonight"

"Oh goody"

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