Chapter 51:

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Steve POV 

For days we waited as Tony, Bruce and Rocket made the time machine. Now we needed to plan how we were going to get the stones. It seemed that this was the longest part, we knew where to get the reality stone as Thor had told us. And i couldn't help but keep thinking of Stiles. 

"Sir it appears we have visitors waiting by the gate" Friday announced and  frowned. We never got visitors here, everyone who would have a reason to be here was already present. "It appears to be Christopher Argent and a few other guests, would you like me to try determine who these 3 individuals are?"

"No just let them in Fri" Tony said and we all went quiet. 

"Who's Chris?" Scott Lang asked and i looked to Natasha who also seemed just as upset as me. "Please tell me he's another Avenger, who is he that would be soo cool"

"Actually he's the father of two of our own, they didn't make it" Tony said with a frown. "Let's go see what he wants" the genius said and we all followed him outside. The car was pared out front and we saw Chris get out of the drivers seat.  the last time i'd seen him he looked awful , all the hope and life had been drained out of him and it seemed he wouldn't care if anything happened to him. it was like it was Scott and Dereks persistence that had kept him going. Now he seemed to have hope, there was a fire in his eyes like he was determined to make things right. 

"Chris" i greeted and he smiled stepping forward. i gave him a hug before letting him go. Derek had also emerged from the car. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is great, i heard about what you were all doing and we figured you could use a hand" he said and i frowned. it wasn't public knowledge what we were doing and none of us would have told him. so how did he know?

"I am back bitches" an excited voice called. She'd popped her head up from the top of the car and had both fists raised in the air. "I am the only god that matters"

"Stiles" i breathed out. 

"Okay are we dead?" tony shouted. "Cause she died"

"And she is brilliant and i have succeeded in the resurrection of myself" she called and jumped from the roof of the car. she was wearing the same clothes as from the battle in Wakanda.  she looked the same as she always had done. "Bow down before the Mage"

"and Scott" her best friend called doing the same position as his best friend had done. "So Stiles is back"

"Your back" i said and stepped forward. i hugged her and i didn't let go, she was dead and now she wasn't. "We all have to stop dying on each other"

"I know, i'm sorry" she whispered to me and i nodded. "If this doesn't turn into a group hug soon i will cry"

Eventually Stiles did get a welcome from everyone. "So how did you bring yourself back?" Natasha asked as Stiles and Scott made sandwiches. "How come nobody else is able to? Like Strange?"

"Hmm yeah Strange is no me" Stiles said gesturing to herself with a knife covered in peanut butter. A bit of it landed on her and she just wiped it off her too before she ate it. "I'm starving don't judge me"

"So Strange isn't strong enough?" Tony asked her and Stiles shrugged. 

"Well it's complicated, his magic is different it's tied to the mystic arts and a lot of other complicated bull crap" Stiles said and I looked at Derek who was nodding along like it made perfect sense. "Whereas my magic is tied to the energy of the universe which is infinitely much less complicated, it's about being able to bend the energy to your will"

"Like Thanos made the stones obey his will" Derek said and I looked to him. He was frowning more than usual and I looked at Stiles who was giving Derek a curious look. "The stones made everything, you control the universe so you control the stones"

"Without the actual stones" Natasha said and she looked over at Stiles hopefully. 

"Let's just think about this rationally for a second" the hulk, Bruce said and I looked out the window. "If theoretically your right about this it would take up so much energy it could kill her"

"I'm sorry are we missing the part where she created a whole new dimension?" Scott asked the group and I looked over at the man. "She brought herself back to life, she time travelled" he interacted and I frowned. "She could bring them all back"

"Or she could just go back in time and get the stones herself" I said and everyone looked at me. "It's less risky than her reversing the snap by herself and it's the same plan we had except less people and less room for error, she could go by unnoticed"

"What if she comes across something she can't handle?" Tony said with a worried look on his face. "We can't lose her again"

"Alright I've got a plan" Scott said shrugging. "Give the science time travel to a few people but make sure they have spares incase anything happens, the rest of us can travel via Stiles and we can get the stones and bring them back and let Stiles reverse the snap"

"That's not that bad an idea actually" Rocket said and Scott gave a beaming smile. 

"Alright so let's plan when and where we're going and do this thing" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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