Chapter 16: Bless This Acid House

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Stiles POV 


"So you've been baking today?" Asked Scott as he walked into the kitchen. He'd just gotten back from his lunchtime class at college since it was his last year. Same with everyone else except me and Allison who both decided to start a business, a little bakery that reminded Allison of the one she used to work in but it was ours. 

"Yep I got up early this morning because I couldn't sleep and I've made 100 cookies, 6 cakes, 50 brownie slices, 3 cheesecakes and I'm just finishing the raspberry sauce to go with it" I Said as I poured the sauce into the plastic container to put in the fridge to cool. Luckily we had room in the fridge for the cheesecakes, the rest was fine in plastic containers in the pantry. I started to clean up my mess along with Scott when my phone rang, Liam. 

"Hey Stiles uh was just going to let you know me and Mason might be late home cause we're going to a friends house" he said and I froze where I was wiping the kitchen island. 

"Friends huh?" I asked slowly continuing cleaning. 

"Uh yeah friends" said Liam nervously. "Oh god please don't do that thing you do" he said annoyed and I made a noise of protest. "I know your thinking of doing it" 

"So what if I want to make sure you and Mason are safe it's my job buddy, now cookies and cake or brownies? Actually never mind I'll being a selection now I need an address" I Said and Liam kept refusing me. We bickered back and fourth until he hung up on me. Idiot. "Scott come on forge the cleaning we are making a delivery" I Said putting some cookies and brownies in a tray and grabbing a cake as we left. After using magic to track my wayward wards down me and Scott pulled up to an apartment building. Going up the elevator we finally arrived at the right apartment. Knocking on the door it didn't take long for a women to answer who seemed shocked. 

"Oh uh hello" she said shocked whilst me and Scott just smiled holding the cake and platter. 

"Hi I'm Stiles I believe my wards Liam and Mason are here?" I Questioned and she nodded her head confused looking into the apartment. "Well I've been baking a lot today new recipes and I thought it would be great if you could do a taste test before they go on sale in the bakery me and my sister run?" I asked so she nodded inviting us into the apartment. 

"Boys cookies" Shouted May And it wasn't long before 4 young teens emerged. "This is Stiles and I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" May asked Scott who was about to reply but Liam spoke instead. 

"Uh Scott Stiles What are you doing here?" He asked awkwardly and I put my hand to my heart, my little baby was growing up and making friends. "And with food huh?" 

"Yes now all of you sit your butts down and try these brownies" I Said and the teens happily took the food, as did Scott. And May reluctantly when I convinced her she didn't need to watch her weight. 

"Wow these are amazing" Said May as the kids and Scott started to play video games. "You run a bakery?" She asked and I nodded. "Maybe I should visit sometime" she said and I nodded smiling. 

"Yeah well me and Allison are think we may need to hire someone to help because whilst I'm baking when people come into the bakery they come in floods and Allison gets swamped and god knows if anyone from home was to work there they'd eat everything" I complained and she laughed as we drank tea and ate cookies, perfection. 

"Well I'm looking for a job at the minute actually, I've not mentioned it to Peter because well obvious reasons" she said looking over at her nephew. "How many people live at your house?" She Questioned and I groaned. 

"Oh May god, Well there's 3 adults my dad, my uncle and Peter and then there's these 2 me and Scott, Lydia and Allison, Kira and Malia, Issac, Erica, Boyd and Derek too. 15 of us in one house" I said rolling my eyes and she seemed stumped. 

"Stiles knowing you in no time these guys will be livin with us too, you have a habit of adopting people" Said Scott as he looked over. Liam and Mason was nodding whilst I had my mouth open  indignantly. Peter seemed worried, Ned seemed confused and May was happily helping herself to some more triple chocolate surprise cake, the surprise was it was a piñata cake. 

"Guess were having three more for dinner then" I cheered making Scott roll his eyes. "What do you guys usually get from the Chinese?" I asked and when I got their answer I silently talked to Scott and then said "we usually order everything so and share so you'll be alright" I Said and then the Parkers and Ned were at the house eating with us that night. 

Scott right I do tend to adopt people. 

A/N I'm making Peter and Ned older in this because I can. 

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