Chapter 10: Bless This Acid House

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Allison POV 

I wasn't aloud to be there for the experiment. Duty calls I suppose. I was suppose to go to England to help strategists and scientists with whatever they thought fit I suppose. I was worried as I flew on the plane I could t help myself but to worry. Steve could get hurt because me and Stiles being here must change things in some way right? I mean Steve apparently hasn't fallen in love or at least like with Agent Carter so things have changed I'm guessing. 

"Agent Argent?" I heard a masculine voice ask as I exited the plane. He was holding a sign with my name on it and I nodded smiling to the man moving to shake his hand. "William Wharton, pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said as we collected my bags and started towards wherever he parked the car. "I'm suppose to take you to where you'll be working, Miss, and they'll take you to where you'll be staying from there" he said. 

"That's fine thank you William" I Said as the boy held open the car door for me. Getting into the car I watched as he quickly moved to put my things in the trunk of the car and get to the drivers door. 

Upon arriving at the laboratory I was greeted and told about what my place in the facility would be. "So when the soldiers begin to be injected with the serum when we find out if the first solider is a success you'll be incharge of the selection process of who gets the serum" Said the scientist. I was in an office and I saw files upon a desk and started looking thrpugh them sorting them into piles, those who weren't suitable, those who were and those who should be evaluated. 

"Agent?" I heard a voice ask as the door to my office opened. I saw William and he seemed upset by something. 

"William, are you alright?" I asked him as he ventured further into the office. 

"I've been told to inform you that they lost the serum, Mr. Rogers experiment was a success but the last of the serum got destroyed and the scientist is dead, we can't create more" he said so I nodded my head and grabbed my things. 

"So what's my new post?" I asked and he smiled. 

"Follow me" 


Stiles POV 

"I miss them, do you miss them Patrick?" I asked the only friend I had left after Jim and Gabr left us. I felt him nodded as he was leaning his head on my shoulder as we took the moment of near quietness to try rest, but my ADHD kept me up and I wasn't able to sleep stupid over active mind. 

"Yeah I do but at least they aren't here, probably the most slow part" he said and I nodded. When we saw action and bttle it was minimal a few shots fired when someone didn't crouch when they were standing but apart from that weapons and artillery couldn't get to this part of the trenches so nothing much happened, we only heard shells and gunshots from far away. 

"But then they might die" I told him. 

"But they'd die a hero" he said and I kept quiet. I didn't see myself becoming a hero if I was to die in war. No family the only person who'd remember me would be Allison because both Bucky and Steve die so they can't tell their children or whoever about me fighting in the war, Allison could bit she'd probably try to get back home instead of staying if she had nobody, I know I would. 

"Ya know Stiles I think you have the greatest chance of becoming a hero" stayed Patrick and I looked at him confused, why would he think that? "A women defying the odds and the laws to become a solider in the middle of the trenches, the bravest of her unit beyond all the men even those with experience, an inspiration for future women" he said and I nodded kinda proud, I was wasn't I? I sometimes forgot that women don't join the army in this time, they leave the men to fight because they 'aren't strong enough'. 

"Thanks" I muttered trying not to let my smile show in my words and turning my hea away from Patrick's face. 

"Anytime, solider"

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