Chapter 4: Money Power Fame

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Allison POV 

Whilst working in the bakery/cafe I started to wonder how Stiles was getting on finding us an apartment or something to live in. As I finished serving another customer in my new job in the small family run business I saw a short guy with blonde hair swept over slightly and smiled at him. "Hi What can I get you?" I asked him and he simply asked for a loaf of bread. 

"Are you new working here? It's just I've never seen you before" he asked rubbing the back of his head slightly nervously. Smiling at him whilst I bagged the loaf. 

"Yeah I just started today actually, me and my sister just moved here she's out trying to find an apartment now" I sad to the short blonde haired guy who gave me the money as I started getting his change. "Here's your change enjoy" I Said before he left. 

The guy seemed nice and I hoped to see him again. Serving another customer I saw the familiar brown hair in the window outside the bakery. Seeing the door open I knew Stiles either had good news or something to complain about. 

"Hey Sti, What's up?" I Said as Stiles came and stood next to the counter making it clear she wasn't in the que but close enough so we could talk. 

"I found us a place to stay not far from here like halfway between here and the station but there is something you should know" She said kind of sheepishly towards the end. Whilst handing someone their change I looked at Stiles suspiciously. 

"What have you done? Or what's up with the place?" I asked her.

"So it's a nice 4 bedroom apartment and we only have to pay half the rent cause we have 2 room mates" she told me and I paused slightly. Handing the croissant to the customer taking the money and giving change I looked at my sister who had the decency to look sheepish. 

"Seriously?" I asked the brunette who only nodded her head. "Fine trial run at first but if I don't like it we're finding somewhere else" I told her and she nodded seemingly happy with my answer. 

"So when do you get off work?" She asked and I looked at the clock that was above Stiles' head. 

"About 5ish, why?" I asked her and she nodded her head. 

"Well I was going to suggest shopping for some time-period suitable clothes but shops will be shutting by then" she said. "Well I might as well get back to work since I have nothing better to do, see you later" she said but before she left I caught her attention. 

"I don't start til noon tomorrow we can shop for stuff in the morning" I told her and she smiled nodding before running out of the shop and down the street doing a stiles typical leap as she went which earned her some strange looks from the people she past. 


Stiles POV 

Getting into the station after my talk with Allison I was stopped by the receptionist. "The Chuef wanted you to wear a uniform so I was told to help you get some that fit" she told me and I nodded as we walked through the men filled police department. Walking around I saw the male detectives and how they weren't wearing uniform, oh no he didn't. 

"Hey Sarah I just gotta talk to Chief for a second can we ha e a rain check on getting that uniform?" I asked the perky receptionist who nodded before going back to her secretary/receptionist work. Walking towards the Chiefs office I barged in even though he was talking to some male detectives, who also weren't in uniform. 

"Miss. Stilinski can I help you?" He asked and boy if that didn't get me more pissed off. 

"Douche bags up and out" I Said and when they didn't move I grabbed the 2 men by their ears and dragged them out of the office slamming the door shut behind them. "Now let's talk Chief Jones. Those male detectives get called by their proper title Detective Wilson or whatever the hell his name is  it me I get called Miss, sexist much and I don't appreciate it so call me Detective Stilinski, like you should. And secondly I will not wear a uniform just because your egotistical men-centred mind can't handle the fact that a women is at a high rank because she has talent unlike you who probably worked most of your career to get to this point, so I will not wear a uniform just so you can lesser me as a person and I will be called by my proper title, are we clear?" I ranted at the clearly frightened man. 

"Yes Detective. Stilinski" He said and I smirked before walking out of the office to the desk that Chief Jones allocated me when he gave me the position. Looking at the file that had been put on my desk I saw I was put on a simple robbery case. About to go rant again I stopped myself short remembering what Uncle John said his first case was, a robbery. 

Looking at suspects I decided to go get to work with questioning the people involved. Grabbing a notepad and pen I walked outside and 2 blocks north until I got to the high-end clothing store that had been robbed. Walking inside I saw a janitor clearing the mess that was made whilst the other clothes were put with the rest so businesscpuld continue, although more cramped. 

"Hi how can I help you?" Asked an overly bubbly shops clerk. Smiling I showed her my badge.

"I need to speak with the manger I believe he was the one who reported the robbery" I Said and she nodded her smile faltering and she led me to where the manager was in his office. 

"Sir there's a officer here to see you" Said miss perky when she opened the door. Walking past her inside the small office I sat in the chair opposite the managers desk. 

"How May I help you officer?" He said amused. 

"My names Detective Stilinski I'm here to find whoever robbed your store last night so if you could stop being sexist about a female officer I'd like to get on with my job please" I Said to the man who was clearly finding it funny that a women was a detective. I was probably earning more than him already, asshole. 

After a long Q&A I finally got what I needed and a rough sketch of what the robber looked like. Back at the station I looked at photos of the suspects and found the right person and made my way to the apartment registered under his name, Russel Downing. 

"Russel Downing open up its Brooklyn PD" I shouted banging on the door. Seeing the man open the door I saw a women much younger than Russel stood looking scared behind him, wearing the clothes stolen yesterday. Since Russel caught where my eyes were looking he dragged me into the apartment, oh no he didn't. Turning and punching the guy in the face before he could close the door his head snapped to the side and whilst he was distracted I kicked him in the gut which made him drop to the floor after stumbling back slightly, boy am I thankful for heeled boot and Lydia's need to make me more girly. 

Turning Downing onto his stomach I cuffed his hands behind his back and left him in the door way in only his underwear as I turned to the girl. "I'm urmm I'm Russel's younger sister" she stated, scared. "I didn't know he stole the clothes" she said and I nodded my head. 

"Alright just give me the clothes and I'll be out of your hair" I Said and she left running back to the bedroom and emerged 5 minutes later with an arm full of clothes that still had labels. 

"So Chief What's My next Case?" I asked once the documents to sign off Downings arrests had been done. 

"There isnt one just yet, I'll see you at noon tomorrow for work" he stayed handing me my first pay check since everyone else was getting one. 

Gotta love payday. 

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