Chapter 34: Not About Angels

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Stiles POV 

I flipped into bed that night. Drained of energy, coffee my last resource, and completely and utterly dead. I was alive but it didn't feel like it. 

"Rough night?" Peter asked and I groaned. "Guess starting a supernatural council is harder than you thought, huh?" He Said with a laugh and I glared up at him. 

"Vampires are such egomaniacs" I told him and he laughed. "Oronzo is hot and I mean hot but he always just flaunts it he has too much confidence at times" I told him and god the guy was hot like Ian Somerhalder from Vampire diaries hot but god dammit he has an overly inflated ego. 

"Well You should get some rest huh?" He asked and I nodded. "Good because I forgot to tell you we have a parents day thingy at school tomorrow and May can't go"

"I'm going" I told him and he nodded in the dark. "So is Scott" I told him. "Maybe Steve and Melissa because she's the responsible one" I Said which made him laugh. 

"Get some sleep"

"Yeah whatever"


Peter POV 


"Peter hey" Ned said as we were sat in class the next day. I saw his dad talking to another parent in the other side of him and I just sat awkwardly. "Isn't your aunt May coming?"

"No but uh I've got a replacement she's just running a little late, work stuff" I told him and he nodded. He probably thought it would be Lydia or something since she manages the bakery and stuff. Eventually the teacher started talking and then the parents and stuff started to talk about their work and people asked questions and there was less and less people who needed to talk and then it was just me. 

"Peter was nobody available today?" The teacher asked. She was nice about, she was old and kind. I was about to answer when the door burst open, why did she live dramatic enterances. 

"Sup" Stiles Said standing infront of the class. Steve walked in slowly behind her and shit the door and seemed sheepish. "We're here for Peter Parker my snuggle buddy" she said and I put my hands in my head, she's the definition of embarrassing yet cool mom I swear. 

"Snuggle buddy?" Flash laughed and I sighed. And he opened his mouth probably to say something else but nothing came out and you could see him panicking and silently screaming. 

"And that my friends is the beauty of magic, being able to shut assholes up" Said Stiles proud of herself and Steve mockingly clapped. "So for both of us besides doing avengery stuff o run a bakery and both of us are expert blanket fort builders"

"Blanket forts? That's the coolest thing you can tell us about?" Asked one student and I sighed, here the most likely mental breakdown. 

"Well everything is too confidential or emotional to talk about thank you Cindy" that's wasnt the students name but okay. "I mean Allison, my twin, is gone and so is the love of my life again and everything's gone to shit" Stiles complained and began hugging Steve who seemed emotional, oh god. 

"Why don't you two go back home and eat some ice cream?" I suggested to the 2 and Ste e held out a finger. 

"We're here to support you Peter, we aren't leaving until the other parents do" he said and Stiles nodded although I pretty sure she was sobbing. "Now Stiles magic some blankets were building a fort"

"Is this how things normally are at your house?" Ned asked and I nodded. 

"I live with a bunch of drama queens"


"Hold the holy cow up, why wasn't I invited to build blanket forts with a bunch of teenagers?" Said Tony as he entered the room. Everyone was sat under a blanket watching The Fault In Oir Stars whiletbeating goods from the bakery. "Seeiously move it Rogers I want that cannoli" 

"Tony what brings you here?" Asked Stiles and I sighed where I was laying down. Most of the class was whispering about how I'm friends with superhero's, theories on how I know them. Some are outrageous and others are just ridiculous, because no Miranda I'm not an alien. 

"I had a brilliant idea for that private project me you and Peter have been working on so here I am" Mr. Stark Said stuffing his face with cannoli. "God I'm so donating money to your bakery, would I get freebies?"

"You mean more than you already do?" Steve asked and Tony shrugged. "Any other reason for your visit?"

"Yes, Peter who is this Flash? And we also have a mission but I hacked your phone and who is this Flash who seems like an ass you and Ned speak of?" Mr. Stark Said and Stiles flung herself at the tern. "Woah women calm down" Mr. Stark said panicked, I think everyone was. 

"What did you do?" She Screamed at Flash with a murderous look in her eyes. "I will inflict you pain" she screamed and the only reason she wasn't is because Steve had a tight grip on her ankles. 

"Mission, Stiles Mission" Steve said and she calmed down but still glared at Flash. "What's the mission?"

"Raiding a HYDRA base" said Mr. Stark as he stood. "Come along fellow crime fighters and Leter and the other one" he said before he walked out in a dramatic fashion. 

"He makes even the simplest tasks dramatic"

A/N the song above has nothing to do with the chapter I just like it and it's from Fault In Our Stars. 

TimelessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon