Chapter 50:

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Stiles POV 

I didn't reconnect to the real world again. I needed to keep my strength for when they got us free. If anyone can figure out time travel it's Tony. I kept thinking of what I can do from here, could I help? I mean everything was orange and the only orange thing I can think of that this place could be was the soul stone. All our souls were stored here. It was a dimension. All those years ago when we first arrived here me and everyone else felt a shift, that must be when Thanos destroyed the stones. But this place still existed. It was its own dimension. The stones can't truly be destroyed because of they were everything they created or did would be unwritten right? I'd created a dimension and portals between them. The energy surrounding this place was a lot stronger but maybe if I could fully penetrate it with magic then I could get out. But that still doesn't explain why I can see everyone see but nobody can see me? Why do they never touch? 

Nodding to myself I reach out my palms and allowed my magic to flow. I reached for the orange even if it was endless. Eventually I latched on and it was overwhelming the amount of magic I felt in me. To my right I saw movement and James was looking right at me with a look of shock. 

"Are you an Angel?" He asked quietly, his voice crocked as he looked at me with awe. 

"Only Angel you'll ever meet" I told him and he frowned as I tried pushing the energy into a singular point in-front of me. As I did the orange light around me became blinding until there was a swirling mass of it before me. It was still flowing from me to it and it kept growing. I walked towards it and was thankful it didn't retreat. 

As soon as I made contact with it I was gasping for air. Breathing heavily I looked around myself and saw a field. It was brighter than I remembered. All the damage was gone. 

I was in Wakanda. 

I hope. 

There was no orange in sight. Just blue skies and green grass and trees for miles. Turning in a circle I smiled and kept breathing heavily as I took it in. I could see the palace from here and I cheered loudly. 

"Yesss yes yes yesssssss" I shouted as loud as I could. I was back, I wasn't stuck in that torment anymore. I could help bring them back I could finally help. 

"Who are you?" Someone asked and I turned to face the palace again. Okoye was stood along with multiple members of the Dora Milaje. "Where did you come from? Why do you wear the Mages face?" 

"No it's really me dude" I said holding out my hands. "I did this thing and like pulled and pushed and made a swirl and when I touched it here I was" I told her and she frowned and I smiled at her. Please do not kill me. 

She stomped her spear on the ground and I portalled the hell out of there. I was not about the go up against the Dora Milaje. I have some self preservation thank you very much Allison. 

I did however end up in my house. Looking around I saw there were pictures on the wall. Not pictures of my family but strangers. The decor was different and I'm sure Lydia was have disapproved if she was to see it. The only picture I recognised was one of me and Steve. When Allison was missing and James was too we took this picture on one of the days we went to the park. 

"Your an Avenger" someone said and I turned around. A child, I'd say early teens, was stood watching me along with a smaller child who was like 7 maybe. I'm terrible at guessing children's ages. "Didn't you die?"

"I brought myself back" I told them and the two continued to stare. "Can I take this picture?" I asked them pointing to the one of me and Steve. 

"There was a lot of stuff when we moved here, mom stored all of it in the basement" the teenager told me and I nodded. "That was the only picture left, it was under my bed" 

"Thank you" I told the two and they smiled as I grabbed the picture. "Tell your mommy I said thanks as well"

With that I portalled to Beacon Hills. I was stood on Main Street, arguably the busiest street in town and it was a waste land. Sending out a tracking burst of energy I found there wasn't a single soul living in town. I walked to the phone booth which had some spare change along the floor and managed to pick up enough to make one phone call. Dialling the number I waited for an answer. 

"Who the hell is this?" they answered and I smiled to myself. 

"Hey sourwolf" I said into the receiver. "Miss me?" 

"Stiles?" He asked and I nodded trying to keep the tears at bay. "Where are you?" 

"Beacon Hills, I was going to head to the Avengers facility they're working on something to bring everyone back" I told him and he laughed. 

"Okay I'll let Chris and Scott know, we'll see you there soon" 

TimelessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora