Chapter 48:

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Steve POV 

"Any news on Stark?" I asked Natasha who shook her head at me. She seemed in as bad of a mood as myself. 

"How you holding up?" She asked me and I shrugged in response. "I'm serious, are you okay?" She asked more forcefully and I sighed looking out the window the dyed blonde was sat infront of. 

"I'll deal" I told her and she frowned. "I've lost them all before" I told her thinking of 1945 and the train and the cliff. 

"You don't have to deal Steve, well get them back you know that right?" She asked me and I nodded my head. "I was surprised to see Stiles was back" she told me and I nodded with a smirk. 

"Yeah she uh she always had a way of surprising people" I told her and she nodded with an amused smirk. "Scott, Derek and Chris were the only of Stiles and Ally's family to survive" I mentioned and her face turned sour. It wasn't something anyone wanted to talk about, nobody want to talk about how half the worlds population is just gone, but it always came up. 

"We'll get them back" she assured me. 

"I hope so" 


Stiles POV 

"This is a disaster" I said to myself as I wondered around the orange world. When I was in the darkness all it took was a burst of magic for the world to turn orange. Now I was wondering around hoping to find someone or something to get my bearings but all I got so far was a whole bunch of nothing. 

"Your Stiles Stilinski" a voice said. Turning around I saw doctor strange. 

"Where are we?" I asked him and he sighed looking at the orange skies. 

"It appears we are in the soul stone" he told me and I sighed looking around with a new perspective. "Trust that everything will be alright" 

"How can I trust that when everyone turned to dust? When Thanos won?" I asked him. 

"Because you know as well as I do what's going to happen" he told me and I narrowed my eyes at the cryptic bastard. It was fine when Deaton did it, I didn't want another Deaton though. "Your a mage and you really haven't seen it"

"Seen what? What am I suppose to see?" I asked him and he stepped closer to me. 

"Open your real eyes" he said before he vanished from existence. 

"The fuck?" I asked myself as I looked around. "Real eyes?" I questioned before looking at my hands. "I hope not" I said thinking of those aliens which had their eyes on their palms. 


"Real eyes real eyes real eyes real eyes" I muttered to myself on repeat. I'd been trying to think what strange had meant when he said that but so far nothing nada zilch zitch. 

"Real eyes" I said with a groan before I laid flat on my back. I wish I knew what was happening, what the world was like now that Thanos had succeeded. How long had passed? 

Suddenly my vision was filled with images of clear seas, of blood and a sword, of a lake and a baby. 

Sitting up I gasped as I looked around myself. 

"It's a different realm" I said. I made a plane of existence adjacent to the real world, this is similar to that. All I have to do is see past the veil. "Oh my god"

If I was the only one here but other people were in this realm maybe there was another veil in this realm. 

I stood and looked around and thought of my sister and suddenly I saw her standing infront of me. She looked lost and frightened, much like I did. 

"Ally" I said but she didn't move to acknowledge me. I put my hands on her shoulders and she still didn't move. "Allison" I said and no response. 

She couldn't see me. She couldn't see like I could. Like Strange could. 

"Ally" I cried as I walked alongside her. "Please see me" 

She didn't see me. She never did for however long I tried getting her attention for. 

Neither did James, Lydia, Peter, Sam, May. 

Nobody saw me. 

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