Chapter 43: Celebrity Skin

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Stiles POV 

"So you'll be okay by yourself for a week?" I asked Hulk as I prepared my bag. We were stood in our room in the Grand Masters palace. He nodded and I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Because last time I left you by yourself I came back and you and Val were passed out drunk, I didn't even know you could get drunk"

"Hulk be good" he said and I sighed crossing my arms. "Hulk scared of drunk" he said and I chuckled holding out my fist for him and he bumped it. "Bye friend"

"See you later big guy" I said as I started to make my way down the hallways of the palace. Getting to the Grand Masters chamber I walked into the huge ass hall. "Hooo hooo"

"Big summer blowout" Grandy called back as he walked over. "I still don't understand that but whatever" he said mostly to himself. "So your flying the nest for a week huh?" He asked and I nodded. "We'll be safe, try bring me back some champions and some new recipes I suppose"

"Will do little guy" I Said and he smiled back at me. "Byeeee" I called dragging out the e as I started to exit the hall to go to the hanger where the Grand Master was letting me borrow a ship. 



"I'm in space" I sang as I fiddled with the controls to set the ship to cruise. "Well I'm a different more spacey part of space" I sang before turning in the chair and standing. "I'm going to eat myself a space bagel, made yourself? Made myself because I'm a boss ass Bitch bitch Bitch"

"This is embarrassing" said Carol as she walked out of her cabin. "I'm with you a couple of days for another routine check of the universe and you've descended further into madness.

"Do you want a bagel or what, you walking glowstick?"I asked and she nodded at me jumping into the pilots chair. So a little back story on mine and Carols friendship, yes the Carol Danvers. So after me and Hulk arrived on Sakaar I decided that I'm in space let's see what can be fixed, so here I go every 2 months go into space for a week to help the poor or whatever. Then after about 6 months of doing this I nearly get myself killed, obviously because I stopped a women, Carol although unknown to me at the time, from being shot in the back of the head by some weird looking alien. Turns out she'd been shot in the front so when we both woke up after our mutual shooting we became best shooting friends. And now here we are like 2 and a half years later and we are still killing the bad and then eating with the poor since they now have money. We are space Robin Hood, we are now one it seems. 

"So earth?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow frisbeing her a bagel. "You haven't been back for years"

"Neither have you" I told her and she raised an eyebrow. "For all Fury knows your dead"

"So are you to a lot more people" she argued and I groaned. "Look how about this week instead of helping me you go back to earth and see your loved ones before going back to Sakaar"

"Can I help with the cult first?" I asked timidly and when Carol nodded I smiled. "Thank you"

"Eat and then back to kicking alien ass"


"Alright hands up and on your What the fuck?!" Tony started off with his authority voice but then it became surprised, shocked, flabbergasted? Take your pick. "Stiles?"

"Heyyyy Tony" I said walking off the ship. "So I have a couple of days before I need to go so" I Said before dramatically pausing. "Let's boogie"

"You've been missing for nearly 3 years and you just show up like you e only been gone a week, what the hell?" Rhodey asked. "I wa t an explanation young lady"

"I kicked alien ass with an Uber powerful badass who I stopped from getting shot even though she still got shot" I told them and they frowned. "Can I nap? I'm tired from the travel and the cult take down"

"Fine but we will talk about this" Tony said and we all started making our way into the compound. It was new but I kind of liked it. "Then we need to talk"

"About what?" 

"The fact that half the avengers are wanted fugitives and Peter is in way over his head"

"Is he in college yet?"

"Oh yeah NYU"

"Why not MIT?"

"He wanted to be here if you came back"

"Well fuck"

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