Chapter 21: Figure It Out

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Stiles POV 

"Stiles no" 

"Stiles yes" I Said as I argued with Allison. "You get your partner in crime why can't I have mine?" I asked upset crossing my arms and pouting, god I'm a grown child. 

"Because when you and Scott get up to trouble people become werewolves!!" She shouted and I tried to argue but I couldn't. That didn't mean she was winning the argument. So I smiled and clicked my fingers and Scott appeared holding a brownie with half of it in his mouth. "Stiles!!"


"Scott!!" Scott shouted which made me laugh and Ally just sighed. "Why am I here?"

"She gets her partner in crime I get mine" I told him so he smiled and nodded finishing his brownie. "Also I want you to see how Allison upgraded, no offense Scott" I Said and Scott nodded happily as he put the last of his brownie in his mouth. Although it turned to puddydog eyes and pout whilst it was still in his mouth. "You look like a hamster crossed with a puppy"

"Stiles, I thought you could help me interrogate the god. You both have magic maybe he'll trust you more" Said Lydia as she approached us. "Oh hey Scott why are you here?"

"Partners in crime" I Said before I grabbed Lydia's hand and pulled her along towards where they were keeping Loki. Entering the room he was being kept in he kept his eyes on us and we went to stand near the door to his glass cell. 

"I see they sent more mortals to try intimidate me" Said Loki with amusement. "Pathetic really, you believe you are superior since you do supposedly important work but you are nothing but children"

"Okay okay enough trying to play on insecurities we don't have" Said Lydia crossing her arms giving him her best 'bitch please I'm going to beat your ass' look. 

"Yeah besides not mortal" I Said. "Well I am but I'm not you know, it's complicated"

"So what's your plan? Get an army to destroy earth? Or to claim earth for yourself?" Said Lydia as we started to walk in opposite directions circling to cage. 

"But you can't do that from in here" I Said and Lydia nodded. "So you need a distraction so you can get out"

"But if his men are busy distracting who's going to get him out?" Lydia questioned and we thought silently. 

"His men will be getting him out, he'll have a different distraction " I Said and we both stopped right back where we started. "His staff thingy is with Banner"

"He's going to unleash the Hulk" Said Lydia and we were quick to leave ignoring Loki's shouts. "You go get something to calm him down, I'll warn the others" Said Lydia before we split up. Running through the corridors I found the room they'd given me and Allison for whilst we were on board the hellicarrier. Looking through the things I'd asked for from the crew who'd thankfully gotten them for me I found some sage and I started to grind it into a powder. And when that was doe I put it into a small jar so I could throw it in the Hulks face. And then alarms were set off. 

Running through the plane/boat thing I found Dr. Banners lab. There was a hole in the middle of the floor and when I looked down I saw that Banner and Romanoff had fallen down. Allison, Tony and Steve were getting ready to fix the failing engine and I saw Thor tending to Lydia who was unconscious. I heard a roar of sorts and I saw the Hulk running after what I'm guessing is Romanoff just as Scott entered the room. 

"What happened?" He asked looking over at Lydia. 

"Engine was hit, Hulks on a rampage" I told him as I dragged him to the edge of the hole. "We need to stop him" I told him so he nodded and we jumped down the hole into the ships underbelly. It was quiet as we walked through the tunnels and I motioned for Scott to go right as I went left. Walking along I was quiet until I heard a large breath of air and I looked to the right and saw the Hulk between some machinery. 

He roared and I started to run and he followed breaking everything as he tried to get to me to kill me. Hiding around a corner I heard Scott's roar and heard the Hulk roar back and then I saw Thor passing me with his hammer. 

Then there was a hole to the bay where the planes were kept. Seeing the god and the Hulk fight it out I saw Scott approaching. 

"Stiles you Alright?" He asked concerned and I nodded my head as he ran to join the fight. Scott leaped and clawed the Hulks chest. Thor swingcwith his hammer and when the Hulk was turning back around I threw the sage in his face and it glowed as I enhanced its calming properties until Banner was left unconscious on the floor. 

"Someone needs to get Loki" I Said and me and Thor both rushes to get to the gods brother as Scott tended to Banner. Thor saw his brother leaving the cell but I knew it was a trap when he was locked inside. And then I was hit over the head with something and everything faded into nothing. 

Timelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें