Chapter 28: Bless This Acid House

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Allison POV 

"It's just it was like Nat had a different mission completely you know" I Said to Atiles down the phone and I heard her him in agreement. "I think something fishy is going on in SHIELD" I told her and she laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I'm making salmon for dinner" she laughed and I laughed as well, how did she find amusement in ever situation? "So what are you going to do about it?" 

"I don't know I don't have clearance to learn what I need to or anything" I told her and I knew she nodded as I brewed my tea. "I'll figure something out" 

"I could see if I could get Tony to hack into SHIELD for you, guy owes me one" Stiles told me and I furrowed me eyebrow. "Don't ask" she said and I laughed at her tone. "Want me to talk to him for you?" 

"Please" I Said and she nodded muttering as she probably wrote it somewhere so she would remember. "So what else is new in the pack house?" I asked her and she told me about the kids at school and May and Derek's date and how Scott got an A in his latest exam. 

"So, wedding bells? Do I hear wedding bells or am I hallucinating again?" Hinted Stiles which made me laugh. "Come on, You've waited long enough when are you at least going to start planning?"

"We got a date" I told her and she 'hmmm' in interest. "14th August" I told her and when she didn't answer I knew she was reminiscing. 

"Moms birthday" she said and I nodded, she wouldn't hear so I don't know why I did. "In that case you need lilies, mom loved lilies uncle John said she was obsessed" 

"I know, any chance you can come to Washington this weekend?" I asked and her and I heard a crash down the phone line. 

"Already here" She said walking in from the living room to the kitchen. "I better me maid of honour" she said and we hugged. 

"Duh" I Said which made her laugh. 

"Where's Steve?" She asked and I sighed. "Mission?"

"No, Fury wanted to show him something" I told her and she nodded. "Want to watch a film?"

"Or say yes to the dress? Inspiration" 

"Good point"


"Hey" I heard Steve shout as he came back to the apartment. "Oh Stiles how are you?" He asked as he sat in the chair in the living room. 

"Oh I'm good" she said stabbing her ice cream. She looked like she was scheming, oh god what is it this time? "So I've heard you've got a date for the wedding" she said and Steve nodded, "Who's best man?" 

"Oh uh I never really thought about it I mean before it was always going to be Bucky" he said sadly and we all looked down at the floor. "But maybe one of the team or the pack now I guess"

"Wait he knows?!!" Shouted Stiles after a long pause. "I told them he knew but they were all like 'oh no we were careful he'll never know unless he outright tell him' and now look he knows they are way too obvious" she shouted jumping up onto the couch and bouncing around. "Did I ever tell you about the time I got paralysed?" She asked and Steve looked confused. 

"No" he said and that lead to Stiles teaching Steve loads about werewolves and then about packs and stuff. It's hilarious Steve was eating everything up, even all the snacks, and it seemed like Stiles enjoyed teaching him about the supernatural. 

"So pack bonds can only be broken by the pack or if a members dies or there will be bad consequences?" Steve asked and Stiles nodded. 

"It's a lifelong bond in most cases and the very thought of losing a pack member is unbearable, that's why packs are so protective of their members" she told him and he nodded. 

"So it's kind of like soldiers fighting for their squad?" He asked and of course Steve would find an army analogy somewhere. 

"Kind of, there's less hierarchy involved" I told him and Steve nodded. 

"But the alphas in charge?" 

"Yes they tell the pack what to do so nothing falls into chaos, they guide the pack but they don't dictate them" Stiles Said and Steve nodded feeling like he sort of understood. "The emissary of a pack advises the alpha on how to lead a pack if they are struggling and they deal with other packs as well" 

"So I'm guessing your the emissary?" Asked Steve and he nodded. "How does someone become pack?"

"You form a bond with you pack mates, get accepted and be willing to fight for your pack"

"Sounds nice"

"It is"

"I'm glad you have something like that" he said looking at me and I smiled at him. 

"You do too buddy don't worry" said Stiles with a tiny smirk on her face. "Does someone need a cuddle?" She asked with a laugh which made me and Steve laugh before I hit Steves head. 

The rest of the night we watched movies huddled in a pile on the couch, we needed to relax I guess especially with what was to come. 

Not that we knew that obviously. 

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