Chapter 30: I Need A Hero

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Stiles POV 

I was in the hospital, packing the small amiunt of things Allison had brought me into the small bag when a old guy appeared in the doorway wearing a fancyass suit and what I'm pretty sure is a wig, nope it's definately a wig. 

"May I help you?" I asked the guy when he was just stood there watching me. 

"Yes you can actually" He said stepping into the room and looking at the bare walls. "I took over SHIELD after Fury died" he said and I turned to him expectantly. "Your sister and Steve Rogers are now fugitives of the law" he told me and I groaned, that doesn't make sense. "We need your help you find them I'm assuming that with your magic you put measures in place so you'd always be able to find them" he said as I scanned him for magic. He had traces of magic, tracker magic that would mean he was around someone frequently who I'd put a tracker on. 

"What's in it for me? Besides betraying my family?" I asked him and he smirked pulling his phone from inside his pocket. 

"Well I'm sure you'd live to explain to the public what Mr. Hale here is exactly" he said and I saw a room on the phone screen that was damp and dark, bare walls with the only thing in it besides a door was a pacing Derek who had been forced into a partial shift. 

"Let him go or I'll kill you now" I threatened the man and he tutted. 

"You kill me they kill him and the rest of those living at the house we got Derek from" he told me and I glared. "Do as we say and nobody has to get hurt" he told me and I glared looking at him, something wasn't right. 

"Fine, but we do this my way" I told him and he nodded satisfied. "If I find anything dodgey going on I'll kill you all, free Derek and have a relaxing bath afterwards before going to sleep like a baby" 

"Alright then" he said and I turned and glared at him before I felt a sharp prick in my neck. Pulling whatever it was out I saw a needle and when I stated to see black spots I swore. 

"Mother fucker" 


Allison POV

"We should have gone back for her" I Said to Steve as we left the hospital with Natasha. We'd gone to get the hard drive that Steve had stashed there but Nat had it first. Shit had gone down and now we were looking into the Winter Solider. "She might have had a better chance at finding him than us" I Said to Steve who just ignored me. "Steve!!" I shouted and he stopped but didn't look at me. "You do what you need to I'll do what I need to, Alright?" I Said and that gotbhis attention. 

"We're not splitting up" he said and I shook my head. "Allison, we're not splitting up we stick together" he said and I looked down. 

"You go with Nat I'll be right behind you" I told him and headed back towards Stiles' room ignoring his calls and the protests he put up against Nat. I walked silently through the halls without being spotted but when I got to Stiles' room all her things were gone. Looking around nothing seemed out of place, didn't seem like she was taken. And then I felt a sharp pain at the back of my neck. 

And as I fell to the floor my vision blurred but I managed to stay conscious long enough to hear this one sentence. 

"She'll do nicely if things go sideways with Barnes" said a male voice that sounded familiar. 

"Should we prep her?" Another asked and I was barely awake at this point. 

"Yes, we need her ready for combat ASAP" he said before I lost consciousness, let's just hope nothing bad happened when I was asleep. 


Stiles POV 

"Stiles, Stiles hey you with me" I heard a voice say lowly, comfortingly in my ear. Opening my eyes I saw a blurry Derek knelt down infront of me. I reached my hand up and he grabbed it reassuringly. "You okay? What happened?"

"Are the others okay?" I asked him and he nodded. "Sure?"

"When they came to the house I was the only one home, I'd forgotten to take something to the bakery" that's right I roped Derek into working as a baker in my bakery. "As far as I'm aware nobody got hurt" he said and I nodded sitting up. Looking at the walls I sensed chamomile. 

"They lined the walls with chamomile I can't get us out" I Said and Derek nodded unhappily but his face was trying to be blank. "Wait do you have paper?" I asked and Derek pulled a receipt from his pickey and I grabbed the pencil I always kept in my bra, don't ask why. "I can write a message to Peter and he can help us out" I Said and Derek frowned. 

"Stiles he's a kid maybe try I don't know Scott you know the alpha werewolf" suggested Derek but I shrugged him off and the paper set on fire when I used magic to send it to Peter. 

"Peter has superpowers" I told Derek who reeled back shocked. "Yeah and he helped me stop thy bank robbery" I Said and he raised his eyebrows even more. "This isn't werewolf business if they find out about the others being wolves too who knows what they'll do" I Said and Derek nodded his frown back in place. 

"So we wait for a teenager to come to our rescue" Derek stated and I nodded. 

"Not like you haven't done it before"

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