Chapter 36: Like A Stone

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Stiles POV 

"Touch alcohol and you'll never touch anything again you hear me?" I asked Oeter when I saw him reaching for a beer bottle. He pouted but pulled his hand back and grabbed a water and smiled sarcastically taking a sip. "That's more like it my innocent little angel"

"You called?" Said Stark with a smirk as he walked over. "Kid me and Banner are starting on a project we've done some work but you want in?" He asked Peter who nodded enthusiastically. I listened as he 2 geniuses talked about stuff that went completely over my head with a fond smile. I'm glad Peter found someone to talk smarts with, honestly if I wasn't so protective over Peter I'm sure Tony would have attempted to adopt him by now. 

"Hey" Said Steve as he walked over to our small group. "Rhodeys trying to tell his story to superhero's" he said with a laugh which made Tony kebout a loud snort. I laughed more at Tony than anything. "Hey kid" Steve greeted Peter who smiled back. "How's School and stuff going?" 

"Ahhh he's got straight A+'s" I squealed happily which made Peter blush. He didn't like recognition but I was going to recognise the shit out of this, my little jelly beans a smart jelly bean. 

"Heyo" Said Scott approaching the group. "Dude you'll never guess what? Oronzo was talking to Patty who heard from Hilary that Jacob and Edward are getting married" he said and I cheered. The Dryads always went over the top with weddings and this is their first gay marriage in the United States and all the council has been told they'd get an invite if they did tie the knot. "Don't you just love love?"

"Yeah when it works out" I Said with a dopey smile. "Now Scott Let's talk Kira" I said an He gave an even dopeyer smile. 

"She's great like seriously great but she said she's been having problems with controlling her kitsune side" he said becoming upset and I frowned giving him a comforting pat in the shoulder. "But as they say vodka cures the hearts pain"

"Nobody says that" Steve said and Scott glared and walked behind the bar and started chugging the bottle. "But you do and that's what counts" said Steve giving him a thumbs up to which Scott smiled an left. 

"Well I'm taking that as a social cue" I Said and leaned over the bar from my seat. I saw Tonya confused look. "Can't beat em join em" I Said holding up the tequila. "I've missed you old friend" I Said hugging the bottle before going to find Scott, time for shot pong. 


"Oh my god" I shouted when I woke up. I'd fallen in the bathroom and now I'd woken up. I heard fighting. Oh no my children!!! I thought and ran out to see the team fighting robots. "Shit" I Said and raised my hands bringing them together and crushing the robots together. "What the hell was that?"

"I'm impressed but there's more than that" Said one of the robots I'd not gotten I raised my hand and sent a blast of magic at it. I felt metal on my throat and clawed at the robotic hands. I rolled trying to dislodge the robot bit it kept its hands in place clinging to me. I had to use magic to to break its hands off. Looking around I saw that all the bots were gone. 

"Explain someone" I shouted as I saw Lydia with a gash in her forehead. "Now" 

"Well Banner And me had the idea..." 

"You has the idea I jus helped"

"Yeah whatever, to make a program that would protect earth when the Avengers aren't here anymore" Said Tony and I frowned waving my arms around. "I feel like you have a question"

"What in your right mind made you think that using Loki's LOKI'S weapon would be a good idea for this? And why would you think about that? non of us are really at that age where death is just around the corner except for on missions" I shouted at him and he looked down. "Yes you be ashamed of yourself, now JARVIS Tell is about what we're dealing with?" I asked but got no answer. "JARVIS?"

"JARVIS got shut down" Tony said walking towards his lab. Following I saw him bring up JARVIS' system and saw that it had been crumbled, probably from the inside. "Systems got wiped we have to start clean" he told us and I nodded. 

"Lucky for you Ive got paper files" said Maria who left the room, Steve followed after to help with the boxes I'm guessing. "This is what we have, let's get looking" she said pulling out a folder before I felt a sense of danger, not from me though. 

"I have to go" I Said and started to draw the tune to get to the other dimension, "Scott" I Said as he grabbed my arm and with a flash we were walking out the doors into the celestial plane. "What's going on?" 

"The tutelary spirits are being attacked, they say he's a metal man" Said a seelie called Rosie. "What do we do?" 

"I need a location" Scott Said moving to the table. "What if this is what Tony created?"

"If it is then we will destroy it from the inside out"

"Good, location"

"Mayan temples in Mexico"

"Thank you, not let's go kick some robot ass"

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