Chapter 29: When Your Heart Stops Beating

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Stiles POV

"I'm baking, yeah yeah I'm baking waiting for my sister and future brother to get homeee" I sang as I iced a cake I'd made. They'd had a hard day at work I'm sure they deserved it and if not, I'll eat it. "Baking baking bakingggg, and next i'll make apple pieeeeee" I finished my little song as I threw the spatula down since I'd finished the icing. 

"Stiles" I heard an amused voice say and I turned. 

"Oh Fury you look like shit" I told the guy who nodded and I directed him to take a seat. "Seriously you need sugar, tea and magic ASAP" I told him and he nodded so I touched his forehead which started a spell which would heal his wounds at a reasonable rate. "So what happened?"

"Guy in the road, bomb and guns just another ordinary day at work" he laughed and I laughed too, and I'm a baker. I finished making the tea and cut a slice of cake for the pirate and took them into the living room. "This is good, no wonder your bakery got such a high review on yelp" he said and I smiled, this is my careers of course I want to know when I'm doing a good job. 

"Stiles" I heard Steve say as he and Allison entered the apartment. "we have some bad news"

"Okay But first try this cake, Fury likes it" I told them and went to go cut a slice when I saw Steve and Allison had frozen. "I'm going to get that cake now, you guys sort whatever's going on out" I Said before I left to the kitchen. I left it a few minutes and then next thing I know glass is shattering and there's a scream and a groan of pain and a crash and when I get to the living room Allison and a stranger are trying to stop Fury bleeding out and Steve's gone. 

"Hold his wounds" directed the stranger as I collapsed on the ground by Fury. Looking at the mans face I saw a look and somehow I knew what it meant and so I nodded towards him and he nodded back.  And then a plan was put into motion. 

Watching in the hospital as Steve watched on in dispair as Fury's heart stopped. 

"I'm going to find the person who did this" Steve said looking at me and Allison Seriously. Nodding towards him he walked away when he saw Natasha down the hall. 

"What's the plan?" Allison asked as she looked away from her fiancés back and towards me. "Come on I know you've got something else planned you always do" she told me when she saw my confused look. 

"Sometimes I make my own plan because it's better for everyone" I told her before I made to leave the hospital. I was walking down the stairs when I felt eyes on me and so I slowed down until I'd stopped. Looking around the stairwell I didn't see anybody so I looked out of the window. Someone was stood on the top of the hospital watching me. Narrowing my eyes I collapsed and fell through the floor and then came up behind the guy on the roof. 

Walking I knew he heard the click of my heels (they were the first shoes I could grab when we were coming to the hospital) and he turned. He was wearing glasses and a muzzle, long dark hair and from what I could see of his forehead pale skin. Instead of saying anything the guy just walked closer and his arm drew back. 

Dodging his punch I knees his stomach and he stepped back i I went to kick his face but he grabbed my foot and flipped me back. Landing I looked up and saw he was frozen as he looked at me. Narrowing my eyes I tried to put a tracker on him but I could t so I flinched back at the backlash of magic, kind of made me feel nauseous and I gagged. I went down and I was on the floor and the next thing I know things were turning back, the backlash was stronger due to the magnitude of the spell and then I felt arms around me lifting me up. 

And when I Could next see clearly I was lying down on a bench infront of the hospital and I could taste the sick in my mouth and I lifted me head and saw the shadow of the man watching from the alleyway over the road. 

"Stiles?!! Oh god Stiles hey" I heard Allison say and she was tilting my head so I was looking at her. "Are you Alright?"

"I I Uh yeah fine just magic gone wrong" I told her and she nodded worried as she pulled me into a hug before looking at Steve telling him to get a nurse to quickly check me over but I wasn't listening I was looking for the guy. 

He was gone. And for some reason I felt myself saddened by that fact. 

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