Chapter 45: The Chain

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Stiles POV 

I figured if Hulk was with Thor they'd head for Asguard. Reasonable assumption right? Well apparently wrong since when I reached where Asguard was suppose to be I saw rocks, floating rocks. Asguard has blown up. Ragnorak or something right? 

Right I needed a plan or something. Who knew space the best? Carol. Where do I find her? No clue. Wait no I knkw Let's find the planet in need of help most. 

And away we go. 


I was on Xandar. Absolute chaos. Shooting at another freaky alien I ducked as one attempted to eat me? I can't be too sure on their anatomy. Looking to the Nova Corps headquarters I ran some more having to dodge, duck and jump and occasionally portal some aliens. Getting their I saw destructions. Fires raged as a group gathered in the only area that sort of resembled a room. 

"Where is the Orb?" One of them asked and I frowned. Huh, so you want the orb? Well then. 

"Hey buddy!!" I shouted stepping out seeing the attackers gathered around what seems to be the buildings lone survivor. "Come and get it!!" I Shouted and one that kind of looked like squidward and Voldemort's love child snarled towards me before a big dude with a hammer came at me. Rolling to avoid the weird guys attack I turned towards him, still kneeling cause I didn't have time to get up, I sent a pulse of energy at him which made him fly away like Lenny kravitz. 

And just as things were going well this women, now I usually appreciate and highly respect strong fierce women like Nat for example but when they stab me I just don't, well stabbed me. "Give is the orb and your life will be spared" she growled at me. 

"Okay okay but I have my own bargain to make" I offered her and she tilted her head, angry her interested. "Don't kill anyone else and I'll get you the orb"

"You have a deal" she said and I frowned. 

"I was talking to Thanos, he is your boss right?" I asked with a smirk and a tilt to the head before the purple grape made his dramatic entrance. 

"You knkw where the orb is?" He asked me and I tilted me head looking to the alien women who still had her sword staff thing stabbed into my gut. She removed it and I coughed before making some sort of attempt to stand. "Tell me and I'll give you what you want"

"Well unless you can give me £10, my dead mother and a single fuck what you want I'm not telling you jack squat" I Said with a smirk. So magic it's a beautiful thing, espeacially when you need to heal quickly cause your life is endangered because you just said fuck you to a man who's committed mass genocide, multiple times. Sending a wave of energy it pushed those lose to me back and I started towards Thanks forming a sword in my hand as I did so. See Thanos is a titan soooko basically imma go for the head. 

But I missed cause I was hit by a piece of steel. I played the role of unconscious to see what would happen. 

"She's impressive for someone so small" I heard Thanos say and voldeward hummed. "Leave her, we need to collect the orb and continue on with the mission"

"Right away" he said and I heard them leave before opening my eyes. I got the steel off of me and stood walking in what I believe is the opposite direction. I stood straighter and using the grandmasters gift of a suit capable of space flight I went out of the planets atmosphere. I couldn't take Thanos alone that much I knew. 

However I was struggling to form a plan with the headache that I had. Which turned into unconsciousness when, far away from Xandar at this point, I was hit by a ship. 

And I swear I heard Fleetwood Mac. 

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