Chapter 12: Got To Be You

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Allison POV 

"This is the ones I remember" Said Steve as he finished mapping out the HYDRA bases in the map. 

"There was one here too" I Said grabbing the marker from his hand and drawing it on. 

"These are the weapons factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all its parts to another facility that isn't in this map" spoke Steve as Colonel Phillips approached the map which showed the HYDRA bases me and Steve remembered seeing in the map. 

"Agent Carter coordinate with MI6 I want eyeballed ally looking for that main HYDRA base" said Phillips as he began to walk away to do some other work. 

"What about us?" Asked Peggy as we followed him. He grabbed a file that was handed to him but didn't open it as he turned to face me, Peggy and Steve. 

"We are going to set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say Rogers? It's your map, think you can wipe HYDRA off of it?" Asked the Colonel to Steve who nodded his head looking at me. 

"Yes sir I'll need a team" he replied to Phillips who seemed pleased. 

"We're already putting together the best men" replied the Colonel not expecting another reply but he got one. 

"With all due respect sir, so am I" Said Steve looking at me smiling so I nodded. As Peggy and Steve walked away to do whatever they needed to do I stayed behind to speak to Phillips. 

"Sir?" I asked Phillips who turned to me questioningly. "I was hoping to ask a favour" I Said cautiously and he seemed intrigued. 

"What kind of favour?" He asked and and I smirked, time to execute my plan.


"So let's get one thing straight" began Timothy Dugan, or Dum Dum as we call him. 

"We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back in?" Finished Gabe who kept looking at us all suspiciously, he also kept sharing glances with Jim, they're friends after all. 

"Pretty much" I replied as I sat next to Steve. I was apart of Steve's team, I wouldn't let him tell me not to be, and he aS trying to recruit some others. He doesn't know I've been doing some recruiting of my own. 

"I'm in" says Jim after a burp. Gabe and Jacques speak in French although they both agree rather easily. And so does Dum Dum making jokes about starting a tab. 

"Great So all the teams here" Said Steve and starts to stand but I sat him back down when he went to go get another round. 

"I've actually been doing some recruiting" I Said to Steve with a guilty voice and his face dropped. 

"No" he said. "No no no.." and he would've kept going if he wasn't interrupted. 

"Yes" squealed a voice I'd missed so much since '42. I quickly stood to go hug her. "Oh god Ally I've missed you so much" she spoke and I nodded in agreement. 

"Stiles?" Questioned a voice and we turned to see Bucky. "What the heck are you doing here?" He asked although you could hear how happy he was as he hugged Stiles. Instead of answering Stiles just kissed him like her life depended on it. 

"So you must be Stiles' twin Allison" Said Gabe leaning back in his chair. "You owe me Jim" he said pointing to the guy say next to him who placed a ten in the table which Gabe was quick to swipe. 

"How do you know Stiles?" Questioned Bucky who had joined us at the table, Stiles still clinging to him although she'd hugged Steve in greeting. 

"We served together before he and Jim  changed units" did Stiles and Bucky looked at her shocked. "I know what your about to say 'you served on the front lines?' Well yes I did, did you expect me to sit at home doing nothing?" She Questioned Bucky who relented although he wasn't happy considering the scowl on his face. Bucky and Steve went to the bar and I could tell they were having a heart to heart before Peggy walked past us wearing a bright red dress. 

"So what did Carter want?" I asked Steve when they sat back down. 

"Howard Stark has some equipment for us to try, 8am sharp" Steve replied as we continued to drink. Stiles suddenly got an evil smirk, oh god no. 

"You mean I get to handle weapons?" She asked Steve who nodded with a confused looked in his face. 

"Oh help us lord our saviour Jesus, Anyone" Shouted Jim which made us laugh before he turned to us, "in serious she nearly shot me in the head just after I met her" 

"And you thought that was an accident" laughed Stiles evilly making me roll my eyes as Steve chuckled and Gabe and Jim seemed to be caught in some horrible flashback. 

And we continued to drink before the serious work began. 

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