Where I Add to the Suspense

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****Where I Add to the Suspense ****
*Still Author's P.O.V.*

Guys, this is a short chapter. I'm sorry about that but this is all I wanted to include in this chapter because I want to keep the suspense to keep you all interested and I am also trying to drag it out a little longer. Its almost over. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I've linked the video to Say Something to this because I listened to this song on repeat while writing this. If you listen to it while reading it really adds to the effect, it made my sister cry. Listen to it while you read. Trust me, it makes a big difference. Enjoy!!

“Beca!!” His voice was muffled and his image was blurry. She felt herself slowly fading away. She tried to reach out, wanting to touch him, wanting to keep him from leaving, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t move. All she could do is lay there and wait, wait for her senses to completely fade away.

She watched as the nurses pulled a frantic Jesse from the room.

Doctors piled in and Beca was helpless as she watched them frantically move about, injecting her with abundant amounts of medicine. In the corner of the room she saw her baby girl. She was screaming and crying but it was silent to Beca. Her hearing had faded and she knew she was just that much closer to her doom. A tear slid down her cheek as she realized….

This is goodbye.

                                No more Jesse…..


                                                   ….. No more AJ…..


                                       …Just darkness.

She slowly looked up and prayed to herself. She prayed that, after she’s gone, Jesse will find someone else. That he will find that someone that can make him as happy as she was with him. As happy as she tried to make him. She prayed that Jesse could take great care of her babies and that they would grow up to be great people. She prayed that Chloe had a successful birth and she and Luke can spend a long, happy life together raising their beautiful twins. She prayed that Amy and Benji would finally succeed in starting their family. She prayed that Stacie and Donald could finally stay true to their commitment. She prayed that her dad and Sheila would work through the rough patch they’re currently in.

She prayed that Jesse knew just how much she loves him and she prayed that he would tell their kids every day that their mommy loves them very much.

With that, she was ready. Using the last of her strength, she uttered out her last words. “I love you guys.”

Then darkness.

I can’t lose her. I can’t lose Beca. I need her. I can’t raise two children on my own and I could never love another woman as much as I love her. God, I love her so much.

One second, Jesse was pacing anxiously around the waiting room thinking this, then in an instant, he was on his knees sobbing uncontrollably. He was crying so hard that it physically hurt. He couldn’t breathe and snot and slobber was oozing from his face. “Beca!” he cried her name multiple times as he punched the ground. “Stay with me.”

AJ watched from across the room. He has never seen his dad like this and it scares him. He begins to cry as well and his grandma scoops him into her arms, comforting him. Suddenly, the table with the magazines flew across the room when Jesse kicked it. His friends, now completely alert, watched him as he sank to his knees and began to scream at the sky.

“Why?!! Why her?!! You can’t take her! She’s a mother! She was going to be my wife! I love her so much and you’re f*cking taking her from me you a*shole!” sobs raked through him yet again and his anger slowly faded and he began to plead. “Please, give her back. I need her, I love her. Please let her stay with me.”

AJ climbed off of his grandmother’s lap and walked over to his dad. “Daddy.” He said, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jesse slowly looked up at him, tears quietly falling down his face. “Mommy is going to be okay. She is strong and she loves us.” The boy continued and gently wiped the tears off of his father’s face. Jesse cried more and pulled AJ into his arms, hugging him tight. “I know, buddy. I’m just scared.”

“Don’t be. Mommy is a fighter, Aunt Chloe said so.” Jesse kissed his son’s head and hugged him tighter. “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you, too AJ.”


“Oh won’t you stay with me. Cause you’re all I need. This ain’t love it’s clear to see, but darling stay with me.” Jesse belts out the words to Sam Smith’s Stay With Me as he absentmindedly rubs his sleeping son’s head in comfort. They’ve been sitting in the waiting room for over an hour just waiting to hear from the doctors.

Nobody says anything about Jesse’s singing because he’s quite good and they can’t even begin to fathom what he’s going through. “But darling, stay with me.” He finished the last words just as the doctor approached them.

“Swanson.” He said and Jesse immediately approached her, taking AJ, now fully awake from the sudden movement, with him. “That’s me. Jesse Swanson.”


Did I mess with your emotions? Jerk your tears? Screw you feels? 

Yes? Good. I was trying to. Next chapter soon!!!

Y'all just keep being y'all!!

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