Where HE leaves HER

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****Where HE leaves HER****

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

  Beca and I made it back to the cemetary to finish the burial ceremony. We got questioning looks from people as they wondered why it took us so long but nobody questioned us. The ceremony went as planned and I kept my eyes glued to Beca. If there was even the slightest hint that she was going to break down, I was going to be right by her side, coaxing her through it.

AJ clung to her chest and Beca held him tight. I could see the pain in her face as our son sobbed into her neck but nothing hinted toward another break down. I wasn't about to let my guard down and I watched her, intent on protecting her from the one thing threatening to hurt her. Herself.

I was so intent on watching her that I didn't even realize the ceremony was over until an arm looped with mine. Startled, I jumped and looked at my intruder.

"Sh*t, Gabby. You scared the h*ll out of me." I said to my cousin. "Sorry. If you weren't so focused on that girl you might've noticed me." I rolled my eyes as she smiled, obviously pleased with herself for some unknown reason. "Is that her?"

"Her who?" She stopped walking and stood in front of me. "Her who? Don't give me that sh*t! You know d*mn well what her I'm talking about." I just looked at her, enjoying the pleasure of annoying her. "Beca, you idget!! Is that Beca?"

I chuckled. "Yes, she's Beca." Still annoyed with me, she laced her arm with mine and began walking again. "Do you think the two of you will become a thing again?"

"I don't know. But, you can bet your sweet bippy that I'm gonna try my d*mnest."

"You and you're stupid quotes. Can't you just say I'll try my d*mnest like every normal human?"  She seemed more irritated with me than before and I found it funnier than before. "You're such an idiot." She mumbled as she climbed into the car.

Beca used to call me her idiot.


"I remember the day Beca was born. Regina was in pain as she squeezed that 9 pound baby out of her body but she couldn't have been happier. When the doctor put Beca in her arms, her face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. Ever since we had Andrew she would always talking about having another child, hoping for a girl. When we found out that it would be a girl, she was so excited and already had her name picked out and everything. This is so unfair. I'm 10 years older than her, I should've died first. D*mn cancer! I know we divorced but there's always a part of me that will still be in love with her." Dr. Mitchell shared one of his fondest memories of Regina as a group of guys sat in a big circle together.

He began to cry and a couple of his friends tried to coax him. I was lost in my mind until I heard one of Beca's uncles say my name. "Hmm?" I asked, jerking back into reality.

"Your memory?" He asked. "Oh, uh, well I hadn't really known her long. I only met her a couple of times when Beca would bring me along for a family thing." I tried excusing myself from it but it didn't fly. "Oh come on, there's gotta be something you can remember worth sharing."

"Alright." I thought hard, digging through the mess of memories from my 29 years of living. "Mm, here's one." I sat up completely as everyone else listened closley.

"It was the day of her birthday. Beca had come to visit her and she wanted me to tag along. I had already met her father so she saw it fit that I go ahead and meet her mom as well. So there we were, sitting there talking. I was playing the perfect boyfriend and Regina was grilling me. I was pretty nervous and when Beca stood to leave, I practically silently begged her to stay. She just told me I was doing great and gave me a quick kiss, making me even more nervous. When she left, there was a moment of silence between me and Regina.Out of no where, she says something I never thought I would hear a mother say. She said to me, 'You want to sleep with her and I can see that she wants it, too. I suppose I can't really stop it from happening so just do me one thing. Be careful. Beca acts all tough but when it really comes to it, she's a soft little bunny just like me. She doesn't take getting hurt lightly and if I find out you hurt her, I will put your balls in the blender and make you eat them.' That scared the sh*t outta me but the way I see it, she just gave me permission to sleep with her only daughter."

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