Where She Decides

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****Where She Decides****


"Oh my God! Next weekend?" -Amy

"When were you gonna tell us?" -Stacie

"I have to plan a double wedding." Aubrey pointed out, looking pretty pale. She has gotten nicer and easier to hmbe around but she still has a tendency of vomiting when things get stressful.

"I'm sorry to tell you this so close to Chloe's wedding but we just figured it out last night." Derek apologized to Aubrey, hoping to prevent a puke fest. "Sorry Bree, but it shouldn't be too hard." Beca stated and Aubrey shot daggers at her. "Not too hard?"

"Yeah, you've already planned everything Chloe, just double it."

"Its so much harder than you think, Beca." Her words took a sudden stop as she fought her old habit. "Don't worry about it, Bree. If I know Beca, it won't be her and Derek's wedding you'll be planning." Chloe whispered to Aubrey. Aubrey felt confused but weirdly calm.

"We have to celebrate this properly." Amy said. "Let's go to the bar!" Stacie suggested, excitement clear in her voice. "Hate to burst your bubble there Stace, but three year olds can't go to a bar." Beca pointed out. "Then drop him off at your dad's, I'm sure he'd like to see his grandson."

"I wanna go to Papaw's!" AJ yelled, locking in on the conversation at the mention of his grandfather. "See? Problem solved." Stacie added. "Bec, it would be nice to celebrate with friends." Derek joined her friends in ganging up on her.

Beca thought about it. It would be nice to hang and drink with her girls again. And it could give her an excuse to feel Jesse's body against hers again. Just imagine it. The song changes to a slow one and Jesse offers her his hand. His arms wrap firm around her waist and her fave buries in his neck as they sway to the rythym of the music. All of her worries and regrets fade away and are replaced by thoughts of love and lust.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Beca agreed, trying no to look at Jesse. She smiled down at her son when he there himself into her arms in excitement. She felt Jesse's eyes on her but willed herself not to look. She couldn't deny herself the privelage any longer and she stole a quick glance of the man she is inadvertently falling in love with all over again.

Short POV because its a little filler to inform you on Beca's current feelings.

I want Jesse...so bad!

I was so wrong. I'm still absolutely in love with him. I've never stopped. I love everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his smile, his big ears, his small nose, his annoying obsession of movies, his stupid sense of humor, his voice, his freaky webbed toes, just simply him.

I hope tonight goes well. I hope he dances with me and maybe sing to me. I know, usually bars don't do all of that but since Georgia's most popular attraction is the universities, many places have opened up to karaoke and dancing because of the acapella groups. Back to Jesse. I love his voice and I would give anything to hear it. I have to tell Derek it has to be tonight. Jesse has to be mine again by morning.

I quickly get AJ changed and drop him off at my dad's. I don't bother mentioning that I'm engaged because I won't be soon enough. I quickly explain his current likes and dislikes then rush to my car. I sped off, anticipating meeting up with my friends. With Jesse.

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