Where He is Head Over Heels

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****Where He is Head Over Heels**** 
*Jesse's P.O.V.*
WARNING: This gets sexual. We are in Jesse's mind and he's thinking about Beca. So....enjoy!!!

I don't know what I am going to do to get Beca back, but I'm determined to think of something before I return to Chloe's.

I am alone in my car with bags of groceries trying to think of something to do to get my girl. I had returned to Chloe's after leaving the hospital and only to be sent out to pick up groceries. I kept refusing Chloe but when Beca asked, I couldn't refuse. Those eyes, oh my God they will be the death of me! So I'm here with the whole list of things in my car and I'm just trying to think of something...anything.

"Stupid brain!!" I yelled at myself, frustrated beyond belief. I've been out for about an hour thinking but I have come up with nothing! I have to think of something so I can get started on my quest. I decided that I need a moment to rest and take my mind of off things. I flicked my radio and a smile immediately formed on my face.

"As I walk on by, will you call my name?" Simple Minds blared through my speakers and I slumped into my chair as I listened to the rest of the song. My mind immediately cleared of everything but the music.  My smile grew wider as I slipped into thoughts of something so perfect that I can't even form a proper metaphor.

Beca Mitchell.

I thought about the features that stand out and make her gorgeous. Her face, her smile, her hair, her eyes, her insanely fit body (even after giving birth), that small freckle on her neck, and ever her milky complexion. Every last bit of it makes her irresistably sexy, but if you add her perfect angelic voice to the mix, she becomes absolute perfection. My clean thoughts of her beauty gradually transformed into dirty thoughts of what I want to do to her.

I want to hold her body plush against mine as I kiss her hard and passionately. I want to feel her voluptuous breasts press into my chest as I hold her against the wall, letting her feel how attractive she is to me. I want to wrap her thin but strong legs tight around my waist as I bury my face into her neck and expertly tease her sweet spot. I want to let my hands roam across that beautiful body that I know all too well. I want to feel her flawless skin against mine as I caress every inch of the beautiful milky casing, fireworks igniting through me. I want to penetrate her and feel her clenching around me as she moans and screams in pleasure. I want to lock her in my room and make up for lost time. I want to show her how much I love her, how much I've missed her, how bad I want her to be with me. Forever and always just like we promised.

That's when it hit me.

The thing I have to do to get her back, I know what it is. It's not going to be easy but I have to do it. My heart has a hole in it and Beca is the missing piece. I have to have her back. My plan?

Romantic gestures.

I know what you're thinking, Beca hates romance, well you're wrong-ish. There are some things Beca loves when it comes to romance and lucky for me, I know just what it takes to get under her skin. Little stroll down memory lane, my famous puppy dog eyes, my flirtatious smile, my charms, and the one thing that I know Beca absolutely cannot resist. My voice......and my ridiculously ripped body, but mostly my voice.If I hit her with all of this, she will eventually be putty in my hands. She will be mine again.

With a confident smile, I put the key in the ignition and drove off.


"Come here you little rugrat!" Derek said as he chased AJ through the house. AJ screamed and continued running away from him. "Careful on the stairs guys!" I yelled as AJ led Derek running up the stairs. "Ow! Stupid stairs!" Derek yelled not even five seconds later. I chuckled and headed for the chatter filled kitchen.

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