Where It All Began

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****Where It All Began****

(Please ignore mistakes, this isn't proofread.)

"We're graduating!!" the girls yelled then threw back a shot.

Graduation is tomorrow and everyone is very excited. Amy and Stacie have organized a little party at the local bar in hopes of getting crazy drunk, which is stupid if you ask me. Having a hangover on graduation day really isn't the best idea. I, on the other hand, plan to stay sober. I have a very special gift that I plan to give to my very special man and I'd very much like to be sober when doing so.

There's my special man now. "Jesse!!" I yell, grabbing his attention as I swerve through the already drunken Bellas.

"Bec, watch out for that-" before he can finish, I trip over Stacie's abnormally large bag and topple over. "Bag." Jesse finished as he caught me in his strong arms.

Feeling a little embarrassed, I attempt to blow it off. "Sh*t. Why is that thing in the floor?" I asked rhetorically as I rubbed my now sore, sandal wearing toes.

"I believe it's called gravity, honey." I rolled my eyes at him as I replaced my foot on the ground.

"You are such a smarta*s."

"A smarta*s that gets to enjoy the taste of your saliva." I wrinkled my nose at his disturbing description of a kiss.

"Any other girl would be so turned off by that."

"Lucky for me, you're you and you find it adorable." He said, giving me that cocky grin that stirs the butterflies in my stomach. I love that grin.

"That's true." I wrap my arms around his neck as his encase my waist, pulling me closer until my chest was pressed against his. The aroma of his AXE body spray singed my nostrils as I breathed in the beautiful scent. "I love you."

"I love you, too." he removed one hand from my waist and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm going to enjoy the taste of your saliva now."

I giggled as his hand found its way back to my waist and his lips softly pressed against mine. My lips parted enough for his tongue to slide into my mouth and connect with mine. They danced elegantly together as our mouths moved in perfect sync. It quickly deepened and I melt with his every touch. Our breathing got faster and faster until air became an issue and we reluctantly pulled away.

With his forehead pressed against mine, Jesse began running his hand up and down the length of my back, my desire for him increasing every time his skin brushes against mine. Eventually, I get to the point where I can't stand it anymore. I need him now or I think I might spontaneously combust.

"You wanna go?" My abrupt question left him dumbfounded as he replied with a confused, "What?"

"Do you wanna go back to my place. It's quiet and more private." I found myself having to yell over the sudden outburst of the stupidest song known to man- "Happy" by Pharrel Williams.

Jesse and I both made a disgusted face at the monstrosity that our generation disgraces the name good music with. It quickly approached the horrid, overly repetitive, and down right stupid chorus and I couldn't stand it any longer.

"I can't stand this song!! Please say yes so we can leave." I pleaded.

Without a word, he grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, and pulled me out of the bar. We continued to walk hurriedly and hand-in-hand until we were far, far away from hearing even the slightest decibel from that vile song.


"I don't hate Pharrel, just that song. I mean, Marilyn Monroe is a good song but Happy? I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door then listen to that. And the chorus sounds like he has a 'happy' problem."

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