Where Their Worries Fade

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****Where Their Worries Fade ****

"Your son is not in great shape. Andrew did die on the operating table..."

Beca immediately collapsed into Jesse's arms, her screams being blocked by the desert in her throat. A small smile formed on the doctor's face as he continued to speak.

"... but, we were able to revive him."

"So he's alive?" Jesse blurted out the question before Beca was able to. "Yes, he is indeed alive."

"Why didn't you start with that?!" Beca practically yelled as she pulled herself out of Jesse's arms. "Well if I did that then it wouldn't be as dramatic." The doctor joked but Beca didn't appreciate it. "Can we see him?"

"Yes you can, but just the two of you. Andrew is still in semi-critical state and he just needs his parents. When children his age experience resurrection, it takes them some time to readjust to the real world. He will most definitely want his mother. Be there for him."

"Okay well do you know when the rest can visit? Because my mom is going to want to see him as soon as possible." Jesse asked.

"When AJ is up for it, your friends and family can visit. Until then, it's strictly parental visitation only. Understand?"

Beca and Jesse nodded their response. "You're free to visit, ICU is down that way, your son's room is the second door on the left." They thanked the doctor and waited for him to walk away before turning to each other. They just looked at each other, and as if communicating telepathically, Jesse stuck his hand out and she grabbed it. They nodded at each other then silently headed to the ICU.

AJ was still fast asleep when Beca and Jesse made it to his room. They walked over to his bedside, and careful not disturb him, Beca took his hand in hers. She smiled as she watched her son do something he hasn't in days.

Sleep peacefully.

Jesse watched Beca as she watched AJ. Though he probably shouldn't have, he leaned over and grabbed their hands in his before placing a soft and lingering kiss on Beca's temple. She just smiled up at him before leaning into him as they continued to watch their son.

"Ugh, where are they?!" Mrs. Swanson was pacing around the room. Its been a half an hour since Beca and Jesse disappeared with the doctor and she's starting to get nervous.

"Mrs. Swanson, please just calm down. I'm sure he's fine, the doctor just probably wants to speak with Beca for a moment." Derek chimed in. Mrs. Swanson glared at him, "Who are you?"

"I'm Derek."


"Yeah, I'm Beca's manny and boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Beca's? Are you the reason she and my son are no longer together? Because I swear to God I'll kill you if you are. There ain't nobody more perfect for my baby than that woman."

"Mrs. Swanson, Beca and Jesse didn't break up because of Derek. Jesse already told you why they broke up." Maddy cut in, not liking the way Mrs. Swanson was dollying Beca up.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Maddy, Jesse's girlfriend. And I really don't appreciate you match making my boyfriend with his ex-fiancé. They're over, he's mine."

"You sure are a snooty one, and the polar opposite of Beca. My son's taste sure has dulled since that heart wrenching break up." Maddy scoffed at her. "Excuse me? I may not the be the whole bada*s emo with a heart and voice, but I do have my perks."

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