Where He Loses Everything Cont.

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*Author's  P.O.V.*

"What?" Jesse asked, shocked by her question. Maddy gestured to the clothing she threw at him and he knew he had been caught. "Oh sh*t." He grumbled as he pulled himself up. "Maddy, its not what you think."

"Really? So you didn't stick your d*ck (a/know that's not really curse word, just don't likeit) inside of your ex?"

"Okay, maybe it is what you think." Maddy threw her hands in the air and began to rant. "Oh my God! I can't believe this! How could you?!"

"I'm sorry Maddy, Beca just makes me crazy." He didn't want to tell her his true feelings but Maddy could see it. "You're still in love with her." She blurted out and his silence was her confirmation. She covered her face in her hands and tried to fight the tears. "When did you realize this?"

"When Andrew was in the hospital." She removed her hands from her face and Jesse saw the tears. He felt bad but knew there was nothing he could do. "So this whole time youv have been in love with your ex?" Jesse just nodded. "So that night, with the hard but passionate sex, you were imagining her?" He couldn't bring himself to speak but his actions did that for him. She laughed but the tears kept falling.

"You f*cking son of b*tch! You are such a d*ck! How could you do this to me?! Why didn't you just tell me?! I would've understood!"

"I'm sorry." Tears were welling up in Jesse's eyes. "You're sorry? You tell me you love me then you turn around and f*ck your ex and all you have to say is I'm sorry?"

"I don't know what else to say. I messed up, I know, but love does that to a person." Maddy sat on the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. Jesse heard sniffles as she cried but didn't dare touch her. "Did you really love me or were you just saying it?" She asked. "I really did love you, Maddy. I just realized that I love Beca more."

"What is everybody's obsession with this chick? I mean seriously, everyone loves her. You, Derek, AJ, everyone. Can't you all see that she is just a slut?"

"Maddy don't." Jesse's voice was stern. Maddy stood and turned to face him. "Why? Its true. She has a fiance but she still came to her ex to have sex. I don't know about you, but in my book, that's kind of a slutty thing to do."

"Stop calling her that."

"You're right, I should. Besides, there's better things to call her that suit her better. For example: skank, hoe, tramp, b*tch, whore. Or better yet, I can call her the 'C' word."

"Don't do it." Jesse warned but Maddy ignored him. (a/n I don't like this word so I'm not spelling it out but you can probably figure it out)

"C***." That was it. Jesse snapped. He jumped out of the bed and got into Maddy's face. He was spewing venom and he wanted to hit her but he was raised better.

"I said shut the f*ck you vindictive b*tch! Don't you ever call Beca any of those disgusting words again or so help me God! She is not the one in the wrong here, I am, so leave her the h*ll out of this!"

"Leave her out of this?! She is the whole reason we're in this! If she didn't have that perfect body and wasn't flaunting it then my boyfriend would have never stuck his God d*mn d*ck in her!!"

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