Where He Initiates Phase Three

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****Where He Intitiates Phase Three****
Ignore mistakes. :)
*Author's P.O.V.*

"Hey Jesse?"


"If I asked you to, would you f*ck me?" Jesse was shocked by the question but he immediately knew the answer. Its Beca, he'd do anything she asked. "Anytime, anywhere." He answered with a smile. They were sitting at one of Beca's meetings with all of her co workers piled around her, but she still asked. "Will you right now?"

His answer was still the same.

He picked her up and, her arms and legs wrapping around him, and laid her on the big table. He kissed her hard and her nails scratched his skin. They could hear her boss yelling for them to stop but they ignored it. Jesse's hands wandered under her jeans and she moaned as they rubbed against her skin. Her hand slid down the front of his pants and that was enough to get rid of her co workers.

When they all piled out of the room, Beca pushed Jesse away and ripped her shirt off. Jesse did the same before climbing on top of her. He buried his face in her neck and massaged her breasts as he nipped at the skin of her sweet spot. Beca's hands went to work unbuttoning his pants and when she had them undone, she rolled on top of him. She worked them down his legs before doing the same with hers. She then connected their groins and began to furiously move.

"Beca. God!" Jesse moaned at the sensation of her body moving against his. It felt just like it did the day she made angry love to him after her dad's reaction to her pregnancy. She slowed down and he whined. "Jesse, wake up." She whispered into his ear.

Wake up? Is he dreaming? Of course he is, this is too good to be true. But that doesn't mean he can't try. "Beca please." He begged, trying to stay asleep just long enough to finish this. "Please finish."

To his surprise, her lips connected to his and her body began to move incredibly fast against his. He screamed into her mouth as she finished him.  She fell against his chest, breathing heavily. She pressed her lips against his ear, "Wake up now."

"Swanson! Get the h*ll up!!" Jesse jerked awake at the sharp pain of Beca's hand hitting his face. "What? What's wrong?"

"You're girlfriend is trying to talk to you." Jesse turned to look at Maddy. "Derek, Donald, Stacie, Amy, Bumper, and I are going to the bar. You wanna come?"

"No, I think I'm just gonna stay here. I'm tired." She shrugged and gave him a quick kiss before leaving. The group of people left and it was completely silent for the rest of the group. "Why are they going to the bar? Don't they have girlfriends and boyfriends?" Jesse asked.

"No. As of today, Bumper is single. Those guys volunteered to take him out and land him a rebound." Beca explained. "Well that's gonna take all night. What do you guys want to do until then?" Jesse asked, giving Chloe the look to start the next phase of his plan.

"Hey, how about we do a little karaoke." Chloe suggested, jumping into action. Everyone else was a little skeptical but Chloe ignored it. "Jesse, I heard you were writing a song with that band, what was it? 5 Seconds of Summer, I believe."  (not true just pretend)

"Really? I love 5SOS, I didn't know you wrote a song with them, I didn't even know that you can write songs. And I thought you didn't make it in the music industry." Beca said, surprised by this news.

"Yeah well, I didn't but I found it was a great way to share my feelings without actually sharing them. And I taught them in high school. They needed help writing a song so I helped." he explained.

"Well, I'd love to hear it. Can you sing it for us?" Aubrey asked. "Yeah, sing it." Beca agreed.

"Fine, I guess I'll do it. Luke can I borrow your guitar?" Luke nodded and Jesse readied himself as his friends sat around him. He took a deep breath then began strumming the guitar. A beautiful sound came rolling out from beneath his fingertips followed by the ravishing sound of his voice.

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