Where They Are 'The Swansons'

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****Where They Are 'The Swansons'****

"Everybody please put your hands together for the newlyweds!" the DJ yelled as Beca and Jesse entered the area of their reception. Everyone catcalled and whistled as the couple walked through the crowd and to their respective seats. When it dieddown, the DJ began to play some musicand people were off dancing and eating and having a good time.

"So,where are you going for your honeymoon?" Chloe, holding one of hr newborn twins, asked her best friend. "Parii.' Beca said Paris with a French accent. "Jesse could afford Paris on a teacher's salary?"

"No, but I could afford it."

"And Jesse let you pay for it?"

"He didn't have much of a choice. He really wanted to go, but he couldn't save enough, so we made a bargain."

"And what was your bargain? That you'll watch a movie with him?"

"Not exactly. You don't need to know, it's a private thing." Beca said and took sip of her champagne, Chloe became even more curious. "Beca, did you offer him some weird sexual thing?" Beca just sipped her champagne, trying not to look her best friend in the eye. "Oh my God, Beca! You naughty girl! What was it? Cowgirl? Prostitute? Schoolgirl? Does he want to see a schoolgirl Beca?"

"I'm not telling you. I promised I wouldn't." Beca said between laughs. "Oh, come on, Becs. I'm your best friend, we tell each other everthing."

"I haven't told you everything, but nice try."

"Becaaaaaa." Chloe whined, wanting to know. Beca sighed and told her. "Apparently I am always in the mood after watching Magic Mike. He thinks that I'm more attracted to them than him, so he just wants to where a g-string and be Channing Tatum for the night." the last part ran togethr and Beca immediately took a gulp from her drink, finishing it.

"Oh my God!!" Chloe burted into laughter and Beca tried to shush her. "You can't let him know I told you. And you can't tell anyone else. Promise me, Chloe." Chloe just kept laughing and Beca grabbed her arm, squeezing it hard, calming Chloe down. "Promise me Chloe Danielle Ducane that this stay between us."

"I promise." Chloe said, completely serious until Jesse came into view. "Speaking of Mr. Swanson slash Tatum." Beca's head immediately whipped around. She smiled when she saw her husband walking toward her. "Hi, baby."

"Hey beautiful. Care to dance with your husband?" he asked, offering her his hand. "as long as you don't care to dance with your wife." she said as she grabbed his hand, she really enjoys being able to call each other that.

Jesse walked her out to the dancefloor and the DJ immediately switched to a slow song, announcing the couple's first dance as husband and wife. Beca smiled and giggled as Jesse twirled and dipped her. People began to join them on the dancefloor and Beca rested her head in the crook of Jesse's neck as they slowly swayed to the music.


An hour or so passed and everyone was sitting down to enjpy a nice meal. Beca was wrapped in one of Jesse's arms, smiling up at him they talked to each other. Dr. Mitchell watched as his daughter looked adoringly at her husband and smiled when he said that made her giggle. He loves seeing his daughter happy and if being with Jesse is what does that, then that's how things will be. Besides, he doesn't really hate him.

Carefully clinking his spoon against his glass, Dr. Mitchell stood to give a toast. Everyone's attention was turned to him and Beca wasn't sure what to expect.

"Uh, hi everyone." he started off nervously. "I'm not really good at this type thing, which is surprising since I am a college professor." peoplechuckled slightly and Dr. Mitchell loosened up. "I just want to say a few things in honor of my daughter and son-in-law." he turned to the couple and smiled slightly as he began to speak again.

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