Where It Finally Happens

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****Where It Fnally Happens Part One**** 

Beca looked into the mirror at her reflection, barely recognizing herself.

The wedding gown was so white, whiter than her alabaster skin. Her hair looked like a perfect chocolate waterfall falling down her shoulders and back. Her face had the perfect amount of make up on, making her eyes and lips pop. The dress is pulled tight around her body, outlining her every curve, which took great amounts of exercise to get back after her baby.

Looking at herself, she can’t help but think about how crazy this is. If you would’ve asked her years ago if she could see herself having two kids and getting married to someone like Jesse Swanson, she would’ve told you that you were insane. She would’ve told you that she is not capable of loving anyone and nobody would ever love her.

Boy was she wrong.

She has never loved any man as much she loves Jesse and nobody has loved her as much as he. And don’t even get her started on her babies. She loves them more than anything. They’re the perfect little babies given to her by the perfect man. She is so lucky to have all of them and she wouldn’t trade it for the world.

“Wow, you look beautiful.” A voice startled her. She turned around to see her father standing there in the doorway. “Dad, you came.” She said, absolutely shocked to see him. “Of course. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

“But I thought-“

“I didn’t like Jesse getting you pregnant or hurting you but I can see how much you mean to each other. He makes you so happy. Who am I to stand in the way of your happiness?”

“Thank you, daddy.” He smiled at her. “You haven’t called me that since the divorce.” She smiled back, knowing he is right. “I can’t believe this day is finally here. Your mom would be so proud of you.” Beca smiled at him. “Ready?” He offered her his arm and she intertwined hers with his. He led her to the big doors of the church and awaited her cue. The music played when the doors opened and she saw him up there, looking amazing, smiling down at her.

She can’t believe this is happening.

 *Beca’s P.O.V.*

Holy sh*t this is actually happening. I’m actually getting married. I’m actually getting married to the man I love that loves me just as much. This is amazing, but why am I so nervous? Why can’t I stop my stomach from flopping around? Everybody looks amazing and they’re all here for me and I feel so, so nervous. And he looks…wow. I’m so happy this is finally happening.

I waited for my dad to give me away, smiling as he lifts my veil and kisses my cheek. He smiles warmly at me and I can see how happy he is in his eyes. After giving Jesse a smile, he found his seat in the crowd next to Sheila and his grandchildren. I looked up into the beautiful, warm eyes of my groom and smiled widely as I took his hand and stepped up onto the alter with him.

“You look incredible.” He whispered, smiling lovingly at me. “You, too.” I whispered back then handed my bouquet to Chloe, my maid of honor. Jesse gently grabbed my hands when instructed and stared at me with a huge smile as the minister began the ceremony.

“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Jesse Swanson and Rebeca Mitchell in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” Nobody spoke out and the minister continued, giving his opening prayer and his definition of marriage.

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