Where He Stays in the ICU

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****Where He Stays in the ICU****

"....mommy and daddy kissed."

Chloe immediately snapped her head to look at her friends who were trying to avoid eye contact. " Beca. Jesse. May I talk to you two? Outside." her voice was stern. "Can you promise I'll return it in this same condition?" Jesse asked, frightened by her tone. "I promise. But yet, promises are meant to be broken." she said as she grabbed their arms and pulled them out of the room.

"Kiss?! You guys kissed?!"

"It was an accident." Beca tried. "An accident? How do you accidentally kiss someone? Did you trip and your lips just magically landed on his?"

"Don't be irrational. We were in a state of grief and I was feeling really bad. He was trying to make me feel better "

"And a kiss is what made you feel better?"

"No, it just happened. When we were together, he'd always kiss me while he comforts me. Even at my mom's funeral. It was out of habit."

"You've been apart for a year now. Shouldn't that habit be broken?"

"Old habits die hard." Jesse returned. Chloe just nodded as she looked from one friend to the other.

"So, was there sparks?"

"What?" Beca questioned. "When you kissed, was there sparks. Is Jeca gonna reunite?"

"No Chloe. There wasn't sparks and we're not getting back together. It was just a small kiss. Let it go." Beca answered and Jesse nodded in agreeance.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go explain to your child why he can't just pop this piece of information off." Chloe caved and, with a roll of her eyes, she led them back into the room.


AJ had fallen asleep and his family was on the verge of doing the same thing. Beca was lazily slumped in the chair by AJ's bed with her head laying on the edge of the bed. Her eyelids were heavy and she was fighting to keep them open.

"Becs, I'm gonna have to make another coffee run." Jesse said as he eyed Beca's attempts. "Again? This is like your 4th run. How much coffee do you need?"

"Well I'm tired, and by the looks of it, so are you. I doubt you want to leave his side and I know you well enough to know you'll use every last bit of fight in you to stay awake. You need something to help with that last ounce of fight. So, the usual?"

"Yes please." she said with a half smile. "Okay, I'll be right back." he stepped out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

He poured two cups of steaming coffee and carried them to the counter with the cream and sugar. He dumped a couple of small packs of creamer into one cup and a couple scoops of sugar in the other. He rubbed his eyes in exhaust as he slowly stirred the drinks.


"Maddy? What are you still doing here?" Jesse asked his girlfriend as she entered the cafeteria. "We're all still here. No one wants to go home until we see him." he smiled as he pressed lids onto the coffee cups.

"You look awful." Maddy noticed the bags under his eyes. "Yeah, I'm exhausted. If you think I look bad, you should see Beca."

"Let's not talk about Beca." Maddy said as she grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He smiled slightly as he realized what she was doing. "How about no talking, just kissing."

He leaned down, closing the gap between them. Their lips met and moved slowly against each other. Jesse's arms wrapped around Maddy's waist and her hands rested on his cheeks. She pulled away slightly, "I love you." she whispered against his lips. "I love you, too." she smiled and reconnected her lips to his.

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