Sequel Plans!

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I kind of want to do this sequel, and I'm trying to conjure up some ideas. Please contribute if you can, but I have some questions.

Do you want to see more of AJ and Sara's lives?

If so, do you want to experience their teen to mid 20's lives or grown lives?

How often do you want Beca and Jesse in because I'd probably include them quite a bit.

Do you want the other Bellas and Trebles still?

Do you want the Swanson kids to be friends with the other acapella people's children?

And most importantly, should the kids be involved in music somehow and should the adults continues their acapella roots?

Please answer me, I really need feedback. I'll five you an updated list of where to contact me (below). If you guys want this, you really need to give me feedback. I need to know that I'm not putting my time into something that no one cares about.

Contact me:
° Here PM/comment
° Instagram @/scrappylittlenobody47
° E-mail
° Facebook Lexi Lowe
° Kik kendrickworshipper47

NOTE: If you contact me through Kik, do not expect conversations. I'll ask for your feedback, then remove you from my Kik. I'm not doing this to be rude, I just only use Kik for friends and family.

When contacting me, please let me know it's you and what you're contacting me for or I most likely won't look at it.

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