Where They (Try to) Move On

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****Where They (Try to) Move On****

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

Nicki Minaj's Anaconda Is blaring through the speakers, her squeaky voice pounding into my head. The heavy scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke burning my nostrils. Half naked women dancing like sluts with half naked men grinding against them in dance and groping them, hoping to get lucky tonight. I hate clubs and I hate Donald for dragging me to one tonight. I hate Beca for leaving me and forcing me to go to this club. But mostly, I hate myself for giving Beca a reason to leave, forcing myself here tonight.

I watch the drunks around me strangle each other with their tongues as I gulp down my third beer. I don't want to forget Beca but I've got to do something to make myself feel better and the alcohol helps. After about my fifth drink I feel like socializing. Almost drunk, I slump out of my chair and walk through through the crowd of people.

I trip over something and prepare for the impact of the hard floor colliding with my face instead it collides with a human being. I look up to see a woman smiling down at me. For a moment, it looks like Beca but when I wipe my eyes the true identity is revealed. "Woah, you seem a little drunk."

"I'm not drunk, you're just blurry." I replied as I straightened myself up. "I'm Jesse." I extended my hand to her. Still carrying that smile, she shook my hand and introduced herself as Samantha. "Samantha." I repeated, planting her name in my brain. "What do you say we go somewhere a little more quiet?"

"I don't know. I only just met you." she replied and I playfully sighed. "What?" she asked. "Nothing. It's just, you women."

"What about us?"

"You guys think that when a man asks if you want to go somewhere quiet it automatically means we're gonna try to pursue you. I just wanna talk, you know, make a new friend." Her smile got bigger. "So, what do you say?"

"Ok, sure." I offered her my and she took it. I led her outside of the building, away from the music and people. "Wow, it's beautiful out here." She said as she stared up at the sky. I followed her gaze. "Yeah, it is." I looked at her as she looked at the sky. "Follow me."

She looked at me and I gestured toward a ladder on the side of the building. She hesitantly followed me and helped her onto the ladder. Once up there, she was awed by the beauty of the sky. "How did you know about this?" She asked and the heartwrenching memories flowed through my half intoxicated mind.

I remembered the time Beca and I were running from the security because of a misunderstanding at the mall. Though we were getting into trouble for something we didn't do, we couldn't stop laughing as we ran. We came to a dead end and Beca turned to me for an escape. I saw the ladder and directed her to it. Wasting no time we climbed it and watched the security guys scramble in confusion, wondering where we went. After we watched them retreat to the mall, we spent the remainder of the night making out under the stars and listening to the music of the club. Boy, were we tired the next day in class.

"Jesse?" Samantha's voice yanked me from my memories. "Are you ok?" With a small smile I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"What's her name?" Her question shocked me. "What?" I asked. "The girl you're trying to get over, what's her name?"

"How'd you know?" I asked. She reached over and pulled a picture out of my front pocket. "Guys don't normally carry pictures of exceptionally beautiful women in their pockets, especially not to a club."

"I'm sorry. I don't normally use women to my advantage but this girl is special. She makes me do crazy things."

"Love can do that to a person. Who is she?"

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