Where He Changes His Plans

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****Where He Changes His Plans****
A/N Don't watch the attached video until after reading the chapter otherwise it'll confuse you. Also, Connor Corum is blonde but I imagine him as AJ so just pretend he's brunette. Thanks! Enjoy!

"So, Rebeca Genevieve Mitchell, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?"

The words rolled around in my head. He's asking me to marry him? What am I supposed to say? I mean I love him, but I wasn't faithful. I don't want to hurt him but I know the answer. I looked down at him and saw the ring he had just retrieved from his pocket. It was beautiful and obviously expensive. I really don't want to hurt him, but I need to answer honestly.

I opened my mouth to answer but choked as I looked around the room. My eyes roamed along my friends until they lingered on a hopeful Derek. The answerjust uncomprehendedly slides from my lips.

"Yes." I heard myself say. Derek's smile got wider as he slid the ring on my finger. He stood and looked into my eyes. "Yes?" he asked for assurance. I smiled and nodded my head in reply. He gave me a quick kiss before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "She said yes!!" he yelled with excitement, his getting tighter around me. My eyes scanned the room behind him until they fell upon Chloe. As expected, she was giving me a dissapproving glare. I know she's right, I shuldn't have said yes. I should've told him. But, I didn't ant to embarrass in a room full of people.


"Congratulations Becs!" Stacie said as she examined my engagement ring. "Thanks." I said shyly. "This ring isn't as bling as the one Jesse gave you."

"Amy!" Stacie yelled and smacked the blonde Tasmanian weirdo in the arm. "It's also not an heirloom, Amy. Jesse's was."

"Where is that nerd anyway? I haven't seen him since the proposal." Amy asked. Stacie and I shrugged and Amy turned to her boyfriend, who happens to be Jesse's best friend. "Benji, where's Jesse?"

"He went out, said he needed some air. He didn't look too good." the girls nodded and just went back to chattering but I was too distracted. I didn't even think about Jesse. When I tell Derek, I'm sure he eould've been mad as my boyfriend, but now that he;s my fiance? Oh boy.

What have I done?

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

She saod yes? She said yes?! Oh my God, she said yes! It feels like my heart has been ripped from my chest and I am literally dying a slow and painful death. Everything was going great. I had her exactly where I wanted her and BAM! Derek goes and screws it all up with God d*mn, mther f*cking proposal!

F*cking hate that kid!

Immediately after her response, I told Benji I was leaving and stormed out. I got in my car and sped away, the tires squealing on the pavement. The memory played on repeat and I was almost standing on the pedal as I screamed, my hands gripping the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles turn white. I knew I had to calm down before I killed myself, so I pulled over. I turned the ignition off and dropped my head in my hands.

"Beca!!" I screamed her name and pounded on my steering wheel as tears poured down my cheeks. I had a long, loud screaming fit in my car before I decided I needed some fresh air. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I stepped out of the car and walked down the sidewalk. I tried to find a momentary sense of relief but everything reminded me of Beca.

Petite brunettes, petite brunettes with children, music, headphones, tattoos, laptops, black. Everything reminded me of her, and you'll never believe it. There was even a proposal! I became so frustrated that I threw a powerful punch just hoping to hit something. My hand came in contact with a brick wall and I heard the bones break, but felt nothing. Holding my hand, I dropped to the ground and screamed out my sobs. I had lost Beca. How was I supposed to get her back now?

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