Where It Happens Again

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"You okay?" Jesse asked I slowly walked through the kitchen and perched myself on a chair. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little sore."

"Sorry, I tried to control myself." Jesse apologized with a slight smile as he poured a couple mugs of freshly brewed coffee. "Its not that. My body was just used to Derek's size and you're a few sizes bigger than him."

"A few?" He asked and I frowned at him. "Sorry." He apologized and went back to making the coffee. I watched him for a minute before beginning to speak again. "So what are you going to do? You know, if Maddy finds out about this?"

"I don't know, explain."

"Explain what? You sang a love song to me then apologized by f*cking me? That ought to go well." I said then sipped the coffee he handed to me. "I don't know, Bec. I'll figure something out. Now what about you? You already said you don't want to lose Derek. What if he finds out?" I thought for a moment. Sh*t! I hate it when he's right.

"I don't know. I guess we'll just have to make sure that it doesn't get out and that it doesn't happen again."

"But what if it does?"

"Surely to God we're not that sexually attracted to each other after all of this time."

But I knew I was wrong. Boy did I know it! Just the sight of him standing there, shirtless, and with hickeys that I had put there. God did I want to jump him. I've got to get out of here, fast.

"I'm gonna go shower." I said then headed for the upstairs bathroom. "And cover those hickeys before anyone wakes up." He smiled in response and I left.


Jesse is now undeniably in love with Beca. The more he thinks about her and the wonderful experience the two just shared, the more of a distant memory Maddy becomes. Maddy was just a void. She just blocked him from feeling the pain of losing Beca. He knows that now.

He wants Beca back.

He needs her now more than ever.

They just finished moments ago and already he's burning for her touch. He doesn't give d*mn if people find out, he just wants his Beca back. Which means he has to give a d*mn about people finding out because Beca does. Dang it! Why can't she just make this easier and dump Derek? But no worries, he can do this. He can keep up his little charade, can't he?

"Hey Jess?" Beca startled him. He stopped at his bedroom door and turned to look at her. She was wearing absolutely nothing and standing by the bathroom door ad if she wanted the world to see her. Right then, the answer to Jesse's question was clear.

No he couldn't. He wanted her too much.

"Yeah?" Jesse was finally able to form a word. "Can you come here?"

"In there?" He became overwhelmed with joy when she nodded. He tried to stay cool. "Yeah, okay."

"So what did you need?" He asked, trying not to turn around and face her. He was so focused on that that he didn't hear the door shut and lock. All he knew is that Beca's body was pressed against his and he was soon tasting those delicious lips once again.

"Take them off." She demanded as she tugged at his sweats. "What about the others?" He asked as he obeyed her commands. She jumped into his arms and looked straight into his eyes. "F*ck them. No, f*ck me."


"Jesseeee." she whined. "Don't worry about the others. Just worry about us and getting me into that tub and getting me to scream your name just like last night."

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