Where They Return to Chaos

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****Where They Return to Chaos****

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

Did AJ just call his mother a f*cking b*tch? This has to be some kind of mistake. AJ adores Beca, everyone does, with the exception of Aubrey and Bumper. Of course! That's it! Someone had to teach AJ those words and there is only one person that could be. Bumper Allen. I mean it could be Aubrey, but I doubt it. She may not love Beca, but she does respect her and wouldn't do this. But Bumper, he's a different story. He is in love with Beca and hates that she chose me over him. He would do anything to hurt her, even breaking us up.

"AJ honey, where did you hear those words?" Beca asked, obviously pained by our son's words. "Uncle Bumper. He said that's what you are." Beca's jaw tightened as she realized what I already knew. She glanced over at Bumper then me. Oh boy. She slowly sat AJ on the ground then stepped toward me. She was trying to control herself but knew she wouldn't be able to. I prepared myself for the impact. Sure enough, her tiny frame lunged forward, heading straight for Bumper. I wrapped my arms around her and held her back as she fought to break loose, spitting venom at Bumper and yelling awful things causing Chloe to shield AJ's innocent ears.

"I ought to kill you you stupid son of a b*tch! I should rip your jugular out and wrap it around your big a*s head!! You mother f*cking, d*ck sucking, God d*mn, stupid son of a b*tch! I hate you so much!! I'm gonna cut your tiny a*s, mother f*cking d*ck off and shove it down your throat!! My relationship wasn't enough so you just had to go after my son! Jesse let me go! I'm going to kill this stupid, relationship killing son of a b*tch!!"

She began to claw at my hands, trying to release herself from my grip. Ignoring the seering pain of her mighty nails, I pulled her body flush against mine and tried calming her down. "Beca, baby. Come on, calm down, baby." when my words didn't work, I used my actions. Sweeping her hair to one side, I placed small open mouthed kisses on the back of her neck. She started to calm down and I moved around her neck until my lips met hers. I kissed softly but fully. "Better?"

"Much." she whispered against my lips. "I'm so sorry. I just, I hate him so much." she started to get teary eyed and I cupped her cheek in my hand. "I know, baby, but you can't let him get to you." I said as I used my thumb to gently stroke her cheek. "I'm sorry." she whispered again. I smiled slightly then brought her lips to mine. I kissed her softly before pulling her into a tight hug, glaring at the enemy as I comforted my girl, causing Bumper to cower away a little bit. "Okay Jess, let me talk to our son." Beca mumbled against my cheek and I reluctantly released her.

"AJ, those words are not nice words and I want you to promise me that you will never use the language mommy just used, ever."

"I promise mommy." AJ promised, looking sad. Beca pulled him into her arms and assured him that it's okay. "Now, who wants to play Monster Dog?"

"I do!!" AJ yelled with excitement. "You better start running or I'm gonna eat you." shrieking, he ran away from his mother, leaving her giggling in her position. When he was out of earshot, she immediately turned to me. "Jess?"

"Yeah sweety?"

"Beat the f*ck out of him." I smirked at her agressiveness. "Anything for you, baby." I watched her run after our child, making him giggle uncontrollably, before turning to the man of the hour, ready to kill. There was fire in my eyes and heat in my voice as I mustered all of my hate toward him into words.

"What the h*ll is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish? Do you know what she would've done to you if I didn't stop her?"

"Did you two have sex while you were away?" he ignored my questions and completely changed the subject. "What? That is none of your buisness."

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