Where She Says Goodbye

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****Where She Says Goodbye****

A few days after giving birth, AJ and I were released from the hospital. No matter how much I denied, they insisted that I be escorted out in a wheelchair. After an hour of arguing, Chloe finally got me into the wheelchair. I sat there in the wheelchair and waited for Chloe to do a bunch of paper work before we could leave.

Finally, after another 30 minutes, they handed me my baby and let me leave. Chloe pushed the wheelchair out of the hospital. The moment the sun's rays penetrated my skin, I laughed. I was so happy to be leaving the hospital, I hate hospitals.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Chloe's voice sounded from behind me. I tilted my head back and looked at her. "Are you kidding? I'm out of that d*mn hospital. I'm better than good. I'm freaking ecstatic."

"Well that's good." she said with a little giggle. AJ began kicking around in my arms and giggling causing Chloe and to laugh at how cute he is. "I guess somebody shares his mommy's hate of hospital." she said carefully tickling him a little."

"Yeah, let's just hope he doesn't share his daddy's love of movies. God, that would just be awful."

"Oh you know you would suffer through it, you did with Jesse."

"Yes, suffer being the key word."

"Whatever. Let's just go home." Chloe said with a little chuckle. She helped me put of the wheelchair and opened the back door. "You got him a car seat?" I asked, shocked by the surprise sitting in the backseat.

"Of course, a baby can't sit in the regular seat." she said, blowing it off as if it was nothing. "Well thank you. I'll pay you back for it."

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. Consider it a welcome to motherhood gift." I gave her a quick hug before buckling AJ into his seat.

****A few weeks after birth****

I'm sitting in the living room alone, the only source of light being a lamp on the end table. I'm looking through real estate offers in L.A. that I can rent for my mom, AJ, and me. A sudden scream from the back room scared me, causing me to jump put of my skin.

"Oh AJ, please be quiet." I heard Chloe's voice say then it was followed by the mellifluous sound of her singing voice. "Hush little baby don't say a word, Aunt Chloe is gonna buy you a mocking bird...."

I listened, waiting for AJ to calm down before I returned to my papers. After a few minutes, he stopped screaming, Chloe kept singing, and I went back to looking. Chloe's voice died down just for AJ to begin screaming again.

"Beca, I think he's hungry." Chloe said, appearing in the living room with a screaming AJ. I set the papers on the end table and positioned myself on the couch as she sat beside me. After I unbuttoned my shirt, Chloe carefully handed me my baby.

I held him close and he almost immediately latched onto my sore nipple, sucking vigorously.

"I don't know how you can stand that." Chloe said, gesturing to my nursing baby. "It's not that bad, it's just a weird sucking feeling."

"Yeah but don't they like, get sore after a while?"

"Yeah but there is cream to help with that."

"Well, does it work?"


"Is it safe for the baby?"

"Yes, why are you asking so many- oh my God! Are you pregnant?" I asked, knowing that she and her new boyfriend are sexually active. "What? No. Oh God no." she answered as if she couldn't say no enough. "But, I plan to be someday."

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