Where They Remember Old Times

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****Where They Remember Old Times****
Not proofread, please ignore mistakes.

*Author's P.O.V.*

"AJ! Andrew! Where are you?!" Beca called for her son as she swerved through the halls of Chloe's gigantic house. He's got to be in here somewhere- she thought to herself. A faint noise that she recognized too well caught her attention. She headed toward the sound of Simple Minds singing her and Jesse's song Don't You and sure enough, there was AJ. He was in Chloe's screen room, cuddled in a ball on one of the chairs staring mindlessly at the movie on the screen. The ending was his favorite part and he would always fast forward to it. "Hey, AJ."

"How did you find me? I was hiding from you." he said then pulled the blanket he was holding over his head. "You kind of gave yourself away. The only other person who loves this movie is your daddy and he was with me." it was quiet as Beca carefully laid out what she was going to say. "AJ, we need to talk."

"I don't wanna talk to you. I hate you." Beca's throat went dry and she choked back her tears. "AJ, you don't understand. Aunt Aubrey made me mad, she hurt me."

"I don't care! I hate you!"

"Stop saying that!" Beca yelled and yanked the covers away from her son. He threw a fit but Beca ignored it and he just stopped. "Why? You hate me! You say I ruined your life!"

"You didn't hear all of it."

"Yes I did! You hate me! I hate you! Weave me awone!" she couldn't do it. She didn't want to cry in front of him but he gave her no choice. She dropped to her knees, buried her head in her hands, and bawled. AJ watched her, wide eyed and just shocked. He's never seen his mom cry and now he has and it's all because of him. "Mommy?"

"I'm sorry, Andrew. I shouldn't have said it. It's just, before I got pregnant with you, my life was actually good. I had great friends, fun college experiences, and I had your daddy. He was the only man I've ever really loved and I thought we'd always be together, forever you know? But then I got pregnant with you. I was so scared because I didn't know how to take care of a child, I still acted like a child and I could barely take care of myself. But your father was great. He helped me and stayed with me and, for a while, things were okay. But something happened and your father and I broke up. I was alone and I blamed you. I blamed you because if I would've never concieved you in the first place, I'd still be with the man I loved. I was determined that after giving birth, I'd give you up for adoption. I wasn't ready to take care of a child yet. But then you came and the moment I saw you I fell in love with you. I knew that I couldn't give you up. I didn't know how I would do it but I knew that I would take great care of you and we'd be the best of friends. And I did. The next four years of your life I took the best of care of you and we were happy. I loved, no, I love you so much AJ. You are the most important thing in this world. I'd give up everthing and everyone if it meant just one more day with you. You didn't ruin my life, baby. You saved it. It hurts me so much that you hate me but you have to know that I don't hate you. I love you with everything I am." she continued to bawl.

AJ was confused because he didn't understand half of the words his mom just used, but he did understand one thing. His mother loves him, not hates him. He loves her, too. She is the best mommy in the world as far as he's concerned and watching her cry over him is heartbreaking. "Mommy?" he tried to get her attention but she couldn't hear him over her sobs. He climbed out of the chair and crawled to where Beca was sitting. "Mommy?" he said as he shook her arms. She looked at him and he immediately jumped into her arms, squeezing her as tight as his little arms would allow him. Beca was shocked by her son's actions and it wasn't until she heard the soft whisper of his voice that she folded and hugged him back.

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